Part 50 : Untroubled

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Ashley's POV

I was on the third episode of the third season of stranger things when the door bell rang. Nobody came down to open the door even after five rings.

After an arduous journey from the living room to the front door, i opened the door and thought for a moment that i was hallucinating.

I was discharged from the hospital yesterday and maybe the anesthesia hasn't worn of. Maybe that's why i was seeing them here.

"Ashley, you are not hallucinating. We are actually standing here." My father said with a knowing smile.

Oh my god. I blinked twice.

And then engulfed them both in a delightful hug. Taking in a deep breath and trying to ignore the sharp pain in my ribs.

Alan's POV

They came to see her for real. I don't know why they did not think of informing us beforehand.

Or maybe they did. Maybe that's why Aaron went back to look after the company.

I sighed as a million thoughts ran in my head.

Ashley was in high spirits after seeing mom and dad. They have not left her room ever since they came here. They have a lot to talk about.

I was kinda feeling untroubled now that they were here. I love my baby sister very much, no questions about that but Ashley is a little difficult to handle when she gets moody and she has been moody ever since her breakup. Even the girls sometimes cannot encourage her. Rebecca is needed at times like these but she is not here.

Nevertheless, mom is here now to console her. Somewhat a relief.

Nobody knows that they are here. I don't know how they even managed to get here unnoticed and i don't know for how long they are going to stay. However, the atmosphere will stay buoyant for the time being.

Next day.......

"Morning mom, morning dad." I yawned as i came down in the kitchen.

Dad was reading newspaper with a plate of bacons and eggs in front of him. Mom was cooking while humming a tune.

"Morning baby, why don't you wake up the girls for breakfast too." Mom beamed at me and her smile instantly lifted my mood. Her happiness really is contagious.

I don't know about Julie but Kelly was asleep when i woke up. I was about to go up to Ashley's room to wake her first but she was already coming down, all dressed up.

"Princess, are you going somewhere?" I wondered

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"Princess, are you going somewhere?" I wondered.

She gave me a curt reply and said yes, while her eyes were glued to her phone.

"Watch your step and where are you going?" She was about to trip on the last step of stairs but regained her balance swiftly with a wince.

"Out" Again with that curt tone. I frowned.

"You should be resting right now." I reprimanded her with my arms folded above my chest.

But before she could retort, Dad said "Let her go, Alan."

"But dad-I said let her go." He cut me off with a half grin. I pouted.

"Now don't give me that face. Listen to your mom and go wake up Juliana and Kelly." Dad exclaimed and i nodded.

"Ashley, your not going anywhere without breakfast." Mom called out and Ashley took a u-turn towards the kitchen and sat down next to dad.

I went upstairs and knocked on Julie's door to wake her.

Ashley is going God knows where and mom and dad are supporting her. They definitely know where she is going.

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