Part 17 : Jealousy at its peak

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Ashley's POV

Lucas quickly put her down and stepped back hitting the wall behind.

She pouted looking at him and said "Looks like you didn't miss me as much as I missed you."

She had a really shrilly and high pitched voice which really annoyed me and I put my hands on my ears immediately. Lucas had the same expression as mine which was clear as daylight that he was annoyed. But it seemed like she didn't notice it or simply ignored it.

"No, actually I missed you a lot." He replied in a sarcastic way with a fake smile.

Carter snickered. Vanessa jumped in joy like she didn't hear the sarcasm in his voice and was about to pounce on him again but I quickly stood in between her tall. Lucas heaved a silent sigh of relief. She looked up to me with disappointment clear on her face.

She said "Who are you?"

I was really irritated by her overly girly voice but didn't show it on my face.

I replied "I am Ashley. Nice to meet you."

I mustered a fake smile which she returned and held my hand out for her to shake. She just stared at my hand and blinked and then looked back up at me.

She then said "C'mon guys, lets go."

She started walking away expecting them to follow her. She completely ignored me. I just stared at her dumbfounded and slightly amused by her actions. I retreated my hand with a frown. Sensing that nobody was following her, she turned around and saw our amused expressions. As she saw the disappointment on Lucas's face, her eyes widened and she quickly came back and stood in front of me.

She said to me while still eyeing Lucas "Um.... Ashley.... It's nice to meet you."

Now, she held her hand out for me to shake. I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at her hand and then at Lucas.

Lucas said smiling down at me " Let's go Ash, otherwise we will be late."

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we started walking. Carter was also following us while Xavier stayed behind with a frozen Vanessa who was still in shock. I smiled up at Lucas which he returned. And suddenly, she was again in front of us and we came to a halt.

She mustered up a smile which was obviously forced and said, this time looking at me "I am really sorry for my behavior but I would really like us to be friends."

It was clear that she was just doing this to get Lucas's attention and so that she could get on his good books. She knew that Lucas cares for me and if she could be my friend, she will get to spend time with Lucas. And just the thought of him spending time with some another girl made me angry but I gave her one of my own fake smile.

I said "Its ok now that you have apologized. I would like to be friends too but we are getting late. See you later."

We walked past her and she was left speechless. She got back her senses and started following us. She went to her different class while we went to ours.

What Xavier said was right. Vanessa is very clingy. She would not waste any chance of getting close to Lucas. Whenever we would meet in the hallways, she would be ready each time to hug Lucas while he always rejected her. She would then just pout and move on. And the good thing is that we don't share any lectures with her.

I also found out that Carter didn't like her because she never paid attention to him and treated him with a sense of superiority. Like she is superior from him which I didn't like one bit. Judging from my background status for others, she would have treated me even more badly if I wasn't friends with Lucas.

It's lunch time now and we are at our usual table. Me and Lucas sitting side by side and Xavier and Carter in front of us.

We were eating happily which gats badly interrupted as Vanessa sat next to Lucas. Lucas groaned loudly earning us some curious glances from other tables.

I just sighed. It was clear that we all were tolerating her just because she is Xavier's sister and Xavier seemed unbothered by it and was even enjoying seeing how uncomfortable we are.

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