Part 10 : Cake face

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Lucas's house

Ashley's POV

"Baby, I missed you." Paige whined like a child. Lucas was clearly uncomfortable and said "But I didn't, can't you see that and stop calling me baby." He was really struggling as he was not using his full strength in fear of hurting her.

An embarrassed look flashed through her eyes but she quickly hid it and said "But baby I love you and i know you love me too." He cringed at her words.

I was feeling anger surging through me for and unknown reason.

Was I jealous seeing Paige this close to Lucas? No, I can't be. I never had this feeling before and Lucas and me are friends. Just friends.

I quickly shaked that feeling and pushed her hands off of Lucas and sat on his lap. He was surprised at first but then smirked. He was ready to play along.

He held me by my waist so i wouldn't fall. I grabbed my fries and popped one into my mouth and then one in his. Everybody was shocked and Carter and Xavier's jaws were hanging open. I just chuckled with Lucas. Paige looked really pissed " Get away from my man, you bitch." She said like she wanted to tear me apart.

I asked Lucas innocently in a child voice "Lucas, are you Paige's man?" He replied in the same manner "No, never in my lifetime will I get with this cake face." I giggled like a child and kissed on his cheek. She is really a cake face with layers and layers of makeup.

For a second, he glanced down on my lips but I moved my face towards Paige and he did the same. She had a shocked look on her face and it took her 2 minutes to get out of it.

Then she said with venom in her voice "You are going to pay for stealing my man." With that said, she left the cafeteria but still everyone was looking at us.

I calmly said with raising my voice "Ok! Stop staring. The show is over." With that, I stood up from Lucas's lap and went back on my seat. We ate our food peacefully with small talks and laughter.

After lunch, we went to our seperate classes. We all then went home after college was over.

It's Monday today.
The rest of the week went easily. Paige and Nathaniel didn't disturb us anymore. Lucas accompanied me everywhere and he was being really sweet. He some how got all his and Xavier's and Carter's lectures  with me. I guess a perk of being rich and powerful and it wouldn't have been difficult because we are having same subjects of business.

He is totally different than the bad boy everybody knows. Being bad boy is just a facade and he shows his kind self just to people he trust and cares.

We all made a plan to go to Lucas's on Thursday. His house was also big but not a mansion. We all played video games and ate junk food. I stayed over at night and slept in the guest room which left me a little disappointed for again an unknown reason but didn't gave a second thought to it.

I found out that he could also cook as he made breakfast the next day. College hours went smoothly but Lucas would throw daggers from his eyes at any man who looked at me with ill intentions which always brought butterflies in my stomach.

But I also reminded myself that I can't fall for him. He is not a bad boy in reality but still. It can cause serious problems as he is a kingsley and I don't want to be the centre of attention of the high upper circle of richs. Not yet.

Other than that, everything was normal. And Oh! I went to hospital on Saturday as usual and the nurses told me that Ryder was getting better. I was really happy after listening this . I am sure Lucas wiil be happy too after listening this.

I am now getting ready, I wore a pink T-shirt with jeep written on it with black ripped jeans and my sneakers.

I had breakfast and went into my car to college

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I had breakfast and went into my car to college. My mood was good from the news that Ryder was getting better. I spotted Lucas leaning against his car with an emotionless face as usual.

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