Part 6 : A pervert

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Ashley's POV

I am wearing my workout outfit, running at 5 am in the park with a sunrise and birds chirping.

Its monday, Sunday went by with me lazying in my bed with a lots of snacks and vampire diaries

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Its monday, Sunday went by with me lazying in my bed with a lots of snacks and vampire diaries. Now, I need to get that weight out of me which I gained yesterday. You can say that I am blessed with a supermodel body and I like to maintain it. I can also walk in heels for hours comfortably and without any pain.

After running around for 1hr and 30mins, I went back home. Got ready for the rest of the day in a black leggings and a pink hoodie. My hair in a ponytail and my fake glasses. I went out and started walking towards campus while eating an apple. As I reached the parking lot, I saw Lucas, Xavier and Carter leaning against the wall.

As they saw me, they started walking towards me. I just lowered my head and kept on walking. They also started walking with me and Lucas wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I knew for the fact that the whole college was watching us.

We reached my locker and Lucas suddenly said "Ashley, meet Xavier and Carter." Carter smiled at me and Xavier just looked bored.

I replied in a small voice "Hi, I am Ashley."

Then Carter said "Nice to meet you. We never thought that Lucas will ever be able to make friends on his own. Specially a girl."

Lucas then smacked him. I just blushed and kept my head down, keeping my nerd act on. Then, the bell rang bringing me out of my misery. Xavier said impatiently "Lets go to class" And pulls both of them with him. He doesn't like me. Or I should say he doesn't like my nerd act. Well, bad for him. Who cares!

I just started walking towards my first lecture. I sat down on my usual seat and the professor walked in with a new boy. He looked a little familiar but i didn't gave it a second thought. He was giving the badboy vibes like Lucas. His attire was black jeans, white T-shirt and a leather jacket. It was like he was copying Lucas.

The professor said "Listen class, we have a new student. Introduce yourself." The boy smirked "Hi everyone, I am Nathaniel leith but I like to go by Nathan." He looked a little familiar but I ignored the feeling. He then passed by me and sat down behind me. The professor then started the lesson and nothing unusual happened.

All the lectures went peacefully and now, it was lunch time. As usual, I went out in the garden and sat down under a tree. While I was eating my sandwich, out of nowhere the new boy Nathaniel comes and sits down beside me. He glances at me and asks "What a pretty girl like you is doing out here?"

I choked on my sandwich and started coughing. Nobody in here has ever called me pretty before. He started rubbing my back and slowly my coughs died down but he doesn't removes his hand from my back. After that, he moved his hand a little lower which made me uncomfortable and I instantly stood up. He also stood up with me and tried to trap me in between him and the tree.

His actions made me angry and I punched him in his eye. HARD. He screeched and fell to the ground while clutching his right eye. I said with disdain "What a pervert" And walked inside. My mood still angry. The bell had already rang and students were crowding the hallway. I bumped into someone that happened to be Paige. She fell to the ground. Everyone around us stopped moving to see what was going on.

She got up and started marching towards me in steady steps. She said on my face angrily "Are you blind, you bitch!"

I was still angry and this commotion didn't help at all. So, I snapped back, surprising everyone " I think that you are blind, so watch your self and watch you mouth"

She got more angry by this and raised her hand to slap me.

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