Part 3 : Tripped

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Ashley's POV

The cafe was 15 mins walk away from my house and I reached there easily. It was 3 pm and my shift ends at 6pm. All the employees are very friendly and the boss is also an understanding person.

In the middle of my shift, in walked Lucas, Xavier, Carter, Paige, Brittany, Tiffany and four other people whose names are Owen, Cole, Tessa and Freya. They are from the popular group. Then a bad thing happened, I was the only one free at the moment.

So, I moved onto their table and said "Welcome guys, what can I get you? "

Everyone looked up at me and glanced at each other. Paige was smirking which gave me a bad feeling. Carter ordered for Xavier and Lucas and others ordered for themselves. I wrote down everything and left their table.

A family also walked in. Mother, father and a 6 year old girl. The girl looked oddly familiar. As I walked to their table, the girl suddenly jumped and hugged my legs. I was surprised for a moment and I also knew that the other people in the cafe were also watching me.

Then, I suddenly remembered her. She is Thana from the cancer hospital. Every week, I go to the hospital to visit kids on Saturday and we all play and sing together. They all call me angel there. Seeing their smiling faces always puts me into a good mood.

The girl then said "Angel, what are you doing here? I missed you. "

I picked her up in my arms and said with a smile on my face "Hi Thana, I missed you too and I work here. What are you doing out of the hospital? "

She replied with an adorable smile "I got discharged yesterday, so mommy and daddy took me out for Ice cream." She pointed towards her parents.

I walked over to them and said "Hi, I am Ashley and it's nice to meet you. "

They smiled at me and her mother said "Its nice to meet you too. " And her father said " Its good to finally meet the angel our daughter always talks about." I chuckled in response and asked "What can I get you?" They ordered their ice-creams and I went back to take it. When I gave them their order, Lucas's table's order was also ready.

So, I picked it up and started moving towards their table. I saw Lucas watching my every movement which made me uncomfortable. As I put their order on the table and started to move back, Paige pulled her leg out and I tripped over it. They all started laughing except for Lucas, Xavier, Carter, Tessa and Freya. Tessa helped me up and I thanked her with a small smile. She smiles back and I return to work.

After a while, I heard Paige tell the table that she is going to the restroom. When she comes back, Carter pulls his leg out and Paige tripped on it. This time everyone starts laughing and and even Lucas starts chuckling. I was also trying to control my laughter but was failing miserably.

Brittany helped her up and she stomped her foot in anger. With her heels, she stomped it on Brittany's foot, who then screamed and clutched her foot tightly on the floor. Paige was shocked from what just happened and other were laughing uncontrollably. Even me and Lucas were now full on laughing. For a second, our eyes connected and our laughter died down, we both then moved our eyes out of the way at the same time.

Then, they all went out and my shift was also over. I packed my stuff and went back home. At home, I helped Cara with dinner and then ate peacefully.

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