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The mood between us in the car was silent as Niall drove out of the lot and the radio begins to play. "So doll face, what brings a snobby American twenty something to London?" Liam asked casually.

"Liam." Niall scolds him from the drivers seat, his eyes watching Liam from the rear view mirror like a dad lecturing his child.

"Can we just not talk?" I say ignoring his question.

"Oh come on doll face, something brought you here, and don't say a job. Nobody moves their life for a job."

"I did." I respond softly.

"Liar, you may have a nice job here but that's not why you moved is it?" Liam pressed on.

"And how would you know that?" I snap.

"Because I know people."

"So you think you know me?"

"I can read you like an open book doll face." Liam jeered from behind me. Niall pressed hard on the break jolting everyone forward in their seats.

"Here!" Niall exclaimed happily looking with wide eyes to the back seat. I looked out the front window seeing my apartment. We were already home, thank god, I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and pushed open the door. Niall opened his drivers side door and got out as the car idled in park to help Liam get his bike out of the back. I stepped up to the curb as Niall came around the car. "See you tomorrow, Em." He pecked a soft kiss to my cheek, I thanked him for the ride and walked to the lobby before Liam could catch up. The lobby is empty as I walk across the fake marble tiles pressing the elevator button and waiting.

The front door opens as Liam pushes his bike inside. I let out a heavy sign as he approached. "Fancy seeing you here doll face."

"Stop calling me that!" I snap angrily.

Liam smiled annoying her even more. "I think it suits you."

"Are you ever nice?"

"Nice people are weak." Liam said quickly.

"That's messed up you know. Kindness doesn't make you weak, it makes you human."

"It may be messed up but it's the truth doll face."

"You are certainly a bundle of joy aren't you?" I say with annoyance tapping the button to the elevator again.

"I'm a realist doll, we can't all go through life with rose colored glasses on pretending all we want is world peace, the world is cruel. Maybe it's time you realized that."

"Stop presuming you know me!" I snarled.

"You're just like every other girl." He tells me. The lift doors open as he wheels his bike into the box turning back and smiling at me. I shake my head deciding I'd rather climb three flights of stairs than ride in a tiny enclosed box with the pretentious douchebag staring back at me. Stepping back I let the doors close on Liam as I walk over to the stairs and begin to climb deciding that a glass of wine would do me well.

I make it to the top of the third flight and pull open the door at the end of the hall from the stairwell but freeze seeing Liam still standing in the hall, his back to me, I slowly close the door shut wanting nothing more than to avoid Liam.

He's talking to his phone as I peak from crack in the door hoping her will wrap up his conversation and unlock his door so I could safely get to my door. "I told you not to call me on this line!" Liam hissed. Intrigued I stay quiet listening to Liam's on sided conversation. "You are going to get yourself killed." He sounded scared.

Just then my phone rings loudly as I look down to see Casey calling me. "Shit" I swear under my breath as I scramble to silence the call. Pressing the answer button to silence the ringer as I look back up only to find Liam is gone. "Hey Case," I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" She asked. "Are you ok?"

"I'm hiding from my neighbor." I gulp hesitantly making my way to my door fishing out my keys quickly.

"Been spying on me have you doll face?" He slurs angrily from his open doorway.

I spun around. "I've got to go." I ended the call much to Casey's protests. "I wasn't spying. I live here." I tell him calmly.

"Well you should mind your own business!"

"Maybe you shouldn't air your dirty laundry in the hallway!" I shout spinning around to face him the rage between us breaking us apart.

"You're new here so I don't expect you to understand the rules doll face, but around here, I'm the kingpin! People do as I say!" Liam shouted back moving across the hall towards me.

"You son of a bitch!" I yell at the top of my lungs as Harry opens his apartment craning his head out to see what all the commotion is.

"Watch your mouth doll face. Those are very vulgar words slipping out of those very pretty lips." Liam surprises me as he reaches up stroking his finger against my cheek. I can feel his breath on my neck as I shiver.

I push him away from me, my hands against his chest. "Don't you dare touch me." I whimper my body still coursing in rage. "Who were you talking to?" I ask trying not to seem too anxious.

"Oh doll face stay out of my business before you regret it!" Liam threatens. I reach up to slap him but he grabs my hand smirking down at me.

Before I know it Liam is on the ground from the force of Harry's punch. Harry stands tall between us as I watch Liam scramble to his feet blood dripping from his already swelling lip fists raised in pursuit of a fight.

"Go inside Emma." Harry commands but I stand frozen behind him.

"This isn't your fight Styles!" Liam bellows angrily.

"Emma go." Harry says softly his eyes still locked on Liam. I don't move for a moment then slowly I slip my hand into Harry's open palm by his side. Both he and Liam are silent as I push my apartment door in, still holding tight to Harry.

"He isn't worth it." I whisper tugging on his hand as we step backwards into my apartment.

"You can't hide forever!" Liam aggressively shouts as Harry closes the door on him, his arms wrapping around me as I fall heavy into him.

"It's alright, everything is fine now." Harry whispers soothingly into my ear.

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