Chapter 1: Unknown Enemy

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07/12/4013 AD – 11:07 – Ultraya – Open Space – Portal Site

"What the hell just happened?!"

"Hyperzio is down; someone help!"

"Staruthia, we have to get out there!"

"We can't! Opening the portal drained all the power from the ships! We can't head out until the power recharges!"

"... But how did this happen... WHY did this happen...?!"

"Someone tell me what is going on!"

"Over there!"

Sollikarr had his cybernetic, orangey-gold arm outstretched; he was pointing at a small ship in the distance, "SNIPER!" Millenicel and Relical activated their shields in anticipation of follow up shots whilst Anmarina held Hyperzio's corpse close to her.

"Millenicel, Relical – get to cover!" Staruthia called out over the communications. "They might be targeting the ex-Ayratulia, and, without any equipment, you guys are sitting ducks!"

"But..." Millenicel grunted; he knew she was right. He grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him behind some of the cuboid power converters.

"What are you doing?!" Relical shouted. "We have shields! We could help scout out the situation!"

"That sniper was able to blast a hole straight through Hyperzio's chest – how long do you think our shields would last?!" Millenicel rhetorically asked.

Sollikarr pulled out his solar rifle and started shooting at the sniper's small spacecraft. The dull-grey vehicle looked like a cargo ship; the sniper's shot had come from within. The blasts of heated energy from the golden Wyperian barely singed the heavy armour as it started to head off.

"Damn it, Sollikarr, can't you aim properly!" Dracolast screamed over the communications.

"Hey, here's an idea, how about the guy with the rocket launchers comes out here to help?!" Sollikarr snapped back as his accuracy got worse and worse.

"Done!" Dracolast barked as he aimed said rockets at the wall of the Carazstar's bridge.

"No don't!" Staruthia yelled. "That will only wreck the ship!" her heart sank. "Besides... they are already out of range..." Dracolast reluctantly lowered his arm.

A few minutes passed before the systems came back online. Anmarina carried Hyperzio into the hanger of the closest ship; Millenicel, Relical and Sollikarr followed. All other high-ranking, Wyperian officers transferred to the same ship.

"Anna... how are you?" Dracolast nervously asked the obviously distraught girl.

"Why... I'm just fine of course... thanks for asking", came a very monotone reply. No one really knew what to say or do; everyone knew it was a blatant lie.

"We should get him into a modification chamber", Anmarina carried on.

"Huh? Why?" asked Sollikarr.

"His health bar is empty; we need to replenish the energy of his Wyperian form", Anmarina explained.

"No, that's not how that works-" Sollikarr started to say before Staruthia laid her hand on his shoulder.

"I'm more than certain that she is fully aware of that", Staruthia said sadly. The group slowly followed as Anmarina carried Hyperzio towards a medical room. These medical bays housed a variety of equipment such as rapid-health recharge systems as well as human regeneration chambers. Neither of these would help Hyperzio, but Sollikarr knew that they could at least do autopsy on the fallen General whilst they were there.

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