Chapter 47: Truth Revealed

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08/02/4014 AD – 01:19 – Warturf – Psykhodark H.Q.

"So that's it then?" Kira's white wings shone brighter than Millenicel's violet ones. "You just gonna stand around?" For Millenicel and Olicleaver, it had felt like hours had passed since this stalemate had started. Kira had rushed at them several times, but the pair of Wyperians just dodged.

"Why are you fighting against Alexis?!" Olicleaver finally yelled as he parried one of the holo sword strikes with his arm blade.

"Fight? Against Alexis? You must be joking!"

Kira jumped and used the thrusters on her broken leg to swing it at Olicleaver's head and knock him off balance; tremendous pain shot into Kira, but she didn't flinch. She instead swung at her opponent with her second blade.

"He's telling the truth!" Millenicel grabbed Kira out of the sky with telekinesis and placed her back on the ground gently; he had finally decided that this may be the one and only method to stop Kira whilst not having to kill her and devastate Alexis.

"I-I'll n-never believe the lies of a Wyperian!" Kira's pain was clearly bothering her now.

"It's the truth! We can prove it to you!" Millenicel insisted.

"Oh please!" Kira spat. "One of your allies just manipulated this so-called military group with illusions! Your evidence is invalid!"

"But that WAS Alex-" Millenicel was cut off by Olicleaver shooting at Kira's wings with his Wing-Shredder; she flinched in extreme pain.

"What are you doing?!" Millenicel shouted.

"Don't worry; I intentionally hit her wings".

"But hitting an Angel's wings whilst they are in Human form, and thus no health bar to transfer the damage to, caused unbearable amounts of physical pain! I told you this!"

"And? People can pass out from too much pain", Olicleaver stated as he emptied another magazine into the white wings". Kira began to gasp for air, her starial shield flickering on and off again in a desperate attempt to save herself.

"Stop it!" Millenicel activated his spherical shield and dived into Olicleaver's line of fire, stopping the stream of bullets.

"Why? You've been thinking about this all wrong: you don't want Lexi to know her sister has been killed, but the solution is 'don't tell her'. As far as she and her family know, Kira died in the airstrikes on New Side ten years ago; if she died right here, no one would care!" Olicleaver snapped.

Millenicel paused for a moment. He then glared at Olicleaver, his visor turning red, "Kira! Retract your wings! They are only a hindrance to you at the moment!"

"O-oh you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Kira's breathing steadily improved. "Lower my mobility and make me an easier tar- wait... what did you say?"

"Er, retract your wings?" Millenicel replied.

"No! Not you; the one in white armour!" Kira demanded answers.

"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" Olicleaver smirked, as if to say, 'all according to plan'.

"What do you mean, 'my family think I died'? Why would you say that? How would you even know that?!" Kira glared. She suddenly lost focus and tumbled over; Millenicel rushed over and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Kira Elizabeth Destiny, the records list you as deceased", Olicleaver explained.

"Yeah, I know! That was done to hide my identity!"

"Oh? Then why are Alexis, Robert, and Yuri Destiny listed amongst the living?"

"They... they aren't! I watched them die right in front of me!"

"Did you? The firing range was an expansive room; it could have easily been divided by a huge pile of rubble... but this is all just speculation".

"Okay... okay... I get it", Kira retracted her wings and allowed Millenicel to pick her up. "I know you couldn't know that much detail without inside knowledge... but still! You could have found that out from my security guards!"

"Well, we didn't", Millenicel handed her back Lexi's Moirai. "Your sister was carrying one just like this. Except there were two major differences: one, it had a stabilizer on it and two, it has your name engraved on it".

"No..." Kira began to cry. "You're just making that up!"

"Why is it so hard to believe your sister is still alive?" Millenicel asked.

"Because then what have I been doing all this time?" Kira whimpered. "Would Lexi even want to see what I've become? A cold-blooded murderer?!"

Olicleaver looked at the ugly state of the battlefield. It was drowning in blood and liquid metal, weapons and ammo decorating the stained soil. "I don't think she'll mind too much..."

Kira smiled, "So, where is she now?! Can I see her?!"

"Yeah, about that..." Millenicel switched to Human form to make it more comfortable for the redhead. "Your buddies took her away; she was the girl that went psycho".

"With a K or a C?"

"Huh? Oh. C. As in Psychopath".

"What?! But she had red-eyes and black hair! What are you trying to pull here?!"

"Kira, why would I lie about that?! If this was some kind of trap, I'd say she was waiting for you on the ship or something".

"I guess... wait! That means my 'friends' stole her! They knew who she was, and they just took her away from me?!"

Olicleaver scratched his head, "To be honest, we can't actually tell whether or not they knew; they could have just wanted to study that curse of hers". Suddenly, a Heygrasault came flying over and opened its cargo doors; Millenyice's body was already on board.

"How about we go and patch up that leg of yours?" Millenicel looked down at Kira and smiled. They both got into the dropship and Olicleaver followed; it took off into the skies, leaving only death on the ground below.

08/02/4014 AD – 01:38 – Warturf – Skies over the Continental Lands

"Finally!" Stealphire breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he laid back in the pilot's seat of the Kira's helicopter. "We're done with Kira and now we have an even better toy to play with!"

"I think we should have kept her; we could have used her to control Alexis", Stabshan said as he looked at the unconscious blonde; she had ironically been laid on Kira's old bed.

"I also think we should have kept her", Skullurst grumbled.

"Oh? For what reason?" Stealphire smirked; he knew the reason, he just liked messing with his candidates. Skullurst didn't reply.

"Oh lighten up!" Stealphire continued to mock. "You're only sixteen! There will be plenty more fish in the sea; Kira wasn't even that attractive!"

Skullurst glared silently.

"You've could try your hand at Alexis here! She's much prettier!" Stealphire reached for-

Skullurst smashed the butt of his rifle against his boss's face; he knocked two teeth out, "Don't you EVER touch her, OR Kira, with that kind of detestable mindset ever again!" Skullurst spun his sniper around and held it over his shoulder; the barrel now pointed at an approaching Stabshan. "That means you as well!"

Stealphire grabbed hold of the power core on Alexis's A.M.R. chest plate, "I just wanted to remove this..." he ripped out the triangular energy supply and crushed it. "We'll head to Shorophrou and leave the planet with the A.E.R. forces. We'll go back to our base and then, RESPECTFULLY, detain Alexis".

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