Chapter 9: Rebellion's Escape

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09/12/4013 AD – 11:11 – Warturf – Generator Station – Cliffside

"Wow, she is really holding her own", said one of the mercenaries as he watched the pilot attacking Millenicel and Relical relentlessly. He was lying prone and viewing the battle through the scope of a large, navy-grey sniper rifle, roughly a thousand metres away. Stealphire was standing next to him, and their helicopter was behind them on the light-brown cliffside.

"She's a Human child raised and trained by Wyperian assassins", Stealphire bragged. "She's desperate to prove herself, Stabshan".

"I often wonder why we keep her as a pilot and not just constantly have her on the front-lines", Stabshan replied without looking away from his scope.

"You know full well why, now get back to it", Stealphire ordered. "Oh. and remember-"

"Yeah, yeah; 'wound, not kill', I get it already", Stabshan sighed as he pulled the trigger on his weapon. The sound barrier shattered as a massive bullet flew across the skies, blowing Dracolast's arm clean off.

"Well I don't get it", said the fourth and final member of the assassin group as he emerged from the helicopter. "Surely we would get better pay if we killed a few?"

"See that is where you are wrong", Stealphire replied smugly. "This, right here? This is charity work; we haven't even been asked to do this".

"Wait", Stabshan stopped firing. "Then why the hell are we doing this?!"

"It's quite simple, really", Stealphire's cocky attitude knew no bounds. "We will ask for a hefty sum for our services after this battle. Knowing the A.E.R., they will say 'we didn't ask for your help'. Which is correct and they won't have to pay us".

"At what part is this plan going to start making sense?" the fourth assassin asked sarcastically.

"Please allow me to finish, Skullurst. After denying our request, we will leave the area, in which they will call after us", Stealphire explained. "After that, they will ask us to assist them once again. So not only will we get our payment, but we can charge double for future assistance. And with this, all we are doing is wounding our targets; we aren't wasting any potential bounties".

09/12/4013 AD – 11:12 – Warturf – Generator Station – Ocean Skies – Carazstar

"What the hell was that?!" Dracolast screamed as he took shelter to assess the damage to his arm.

"It's a sniper", Relical said calmly. "It's likely to be the same one that took out Hyperzio".

"Are you serious?!" Dracolast stood up in a blind rage. "Let's kill them!" There was a loud clank sound followed by one of Dracolast's back cannons exploding.

"Stay down, you idiot!" Relical snapped.

"Arrgh", Dracolast grunted and got onto the U.A. communication line. "All forces, there is a sniper firing upon my position. We believe it to be the same group that murdered Hyperzio; all forces attack them now!"

"No, damn it!" Relical also got on communications. "Cancel that or-" Relical was skewered in the helmet with one end of the pilot's missile spears. Thinking unbelievably fast, Relical switched to Human form. His armour, his pillar units and the missile spear all vanished. Relical's Human form was pretty much what Dracolast expected; a clean-shaven man with neat brown hair and pristine glasses that covered his brown eyes. He was wearing a chequered shirt and tie along with some perfectly ironed black trousers. He used his psychic abilities to gently float himself down to the Carazstar. The pilot spun around and threw another spear through one of Millenicel's P.C.U.'s. She grabbed the end of her spear and snapped the end off; the two broken halves were hurled at another two P.C.U.s, detonating and taking out three of Millenicel's laser turrets in ten seconds.

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