Chapter 19: Pressing Matters

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21/01/4014 AD – 11:25 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port – A.E.R. Military Facility

"DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" Flaymaclaze screamed as he launched a table across the room. The A.E.R. had been pushed all the way back to Shorophrou, a large area that was designed to house and build large base ships for the military forces of Ultraya. Due to the numerous residential areas, recreational facilities, and restaurants, some have argued that this area should be referred to as a town. However, the local residents prefer 'Port' as the place is ninety-percent port-related facilities. Right now, General Flaymaclaze was in an enraged state, strolling about in his unarmed Wyperian form in the main office of the biggest hanger in the entire port, and one of the few that resided above the ground rather than under it.

"Would you calm down?!" Elimiphlaren said over private communications; he was currently with the Psykhodarks, negotiating the new terms of their alliance.

"The storm finally clears and now we have just lost additional financial support from yet another group!" Flaymaclaze toned his voice down slightly. He was still kicking things around the steel-floored room almost smashing the window that overlooked the main content of the hanger.

"Well the Psykhodarks aren't willing to lend any assistance, but they don't intend to fight against us, or join the Ultrayan Alliance. They are flying solo for now", Elimiphlaren explained.

"Well then how much do they want for hiring them-"

"They also said that they aren't a P.M.C. group".

"What kind of Private Military group doesn't accept military contracts?!"

"I don't know. Besides, I've already asked for their help in finding a Rainbow Crystal. Price was high, but I WILL get Ru-Flare back".

"And where, exactly, did you get the money for something like that?! Those relics are worth more than any realistic amount of ulta!"

"I invested my entire life's savings. No cost is too high for a man's daughter".

"No cost too high, huh?" There was a pause: a moment of realisation as Flaymaclaze slammed his metal fist into the now, dented wall.

"What's wrong now?!" Elimiphlaren asked. "You said that if I attacked Zilatech, I was free to do whatever I-"

"No not that; I meant what I said, and I'd rather not have you turned against us as well", Flaymaclaze sat down and invited another person into the call. "It's just I just realised the only way we are going to get through this".

"Oh and what would that be?" Elimiphlaren asked before soon realising the answer to his own question.

"Yeeeeeeeees? How may I be of service?" it was Stealphire, in an incredibly mocking tone.

"Ugh... the Anti-Earth Rebellion... requests the services of your assassins", Flaymaclaze sighed.

"Well of course, General Flaymaclaze, what can we do for you?" Stealphire smiled.

"We need you to halt the Ultrayan Alliance's advances on Shorophrou. I believe they are moving from Alantraya", Flaymaclaze explained.

"Sure, we can do that for you", Stealphire kept his smile. A mocking, gluttonous smile.

"So... how much-"

"Thirty million ulta"

"THIRTY MILLION?! Last time you offered it was fifteen million!"

"Well if you don't want to take it the new offer, that's fine. Just know that we don't respond to calls during rainy days; it's a morale thing – keeps the team motivated. I'm sure you know how awful a very stormy day can be".

"Fine... fifteen up front and fifteen after", Flaymaclaze eventually gave in.

"'And where, exactly, did you get the money for something like that?'" Elimiphlaren mimicked.

"Much appreciated", Stealphire said smugly.

"Now get to it", ordered Flaymaclaze.

"Of course, General; pleasure doing business with you!" Stealphire hung up.

 22/01/4014 AD – 09:16 – Warturf – Skies over the Continental Lands – Heygrasault

Team A had set out early the morning after the meeting; the plan was to try and avoid fighting the Psykhodarks during the night. The Elites were armoured up and were each flying with small squads of soldiers in Heygrasaults. The exception to this was Olicleaver who was leading a squadron of Mylialta alongside the dropships. Their Tri-Carazstar was following behind the rest. The team were all communicating in a joint call.

"So my, storm lasted from the twelfth of December until the twenty-first of January?" Anmarina asked as she was looking over the data and footage of the storm.

"Yeah; it was rather difficult to fly in the torrential rain", Olicleaver gave a nervous laugh. "You must have been constantly giving it power during your sleep; I have a hard time believing that you waking up and the storm ending at roughly the same time was just a coincidence".

"Maybe she had to tell the storm to stop", Dracolast laughed.

"That's a very likely possibility", Olicleaver replied seriously to Dracolast's sarcasm.

"Are you serious?" Dracolast asked rhetorically. "Isn't Angel Mode a bit too powerful?"

"You seem to be lacking the ability to see the entire point of this story. It's dangerous; that's why the Alliance restricted as much information as they could regarding Angels", Millenicel stated. "However, if people obtained the rank without any knowledge of how the thing worked, and were allowed to roam free, that would prove to be a far greater problem than we could imagine. I'm positive that was the thought process of our allies".

"You were an Angel-Ayratulia, right?" asked Alexis.

"That's correct", Millenicel responded.

"So what happened to your rank? And Relical's for that matter? I get that Hyperzio was reborn so that explains his lack of wings, but what about you guys?"

"That's a good point, unlike Hyperzio, we were locked on a strange, rocky world for what seemed like roughly three years... although the records clearly state we were gone for twenty-five. Either way, we were completely stripped of all our Angelic powers and all abilities relating to it".

"'All abilities relating to it', huh?" Dracolast repeated. "This more stuff relating to this mysterious ability you guys keep hiding".

"Give it a rest, will you?!" Millenicel sighed angrily. "If we revealed information about Sealia we'd have more to deal with than just Angels".

"Sealia?" Dracolast perked up.

"Yes, you have a name for it now, go pester someone else about it", Millenicel tried to cover up his slip of the tongue.

"Just checked, there is nothing relating to the term 'Sealia' in either the Human or Wyperian databases", Olicleaver reported.

"Well obviously not!" Millenicel's irritation grew.

"You could have made that word up for all we know!" Dracolast whimpered like a baby puppy; he was starved for information.

"INCOMING!" shouted the pilot of Alexis's Heygrasault. A bolt of flame splashed over the dropship, blowing up the engines and causing it to fall to the ground.

"ALEXIS!" Millenicel and Dracolast screamed in unison.

"And everyone else on the ship", Anmarina sighed as she opened the door of her Heygrasault, deployed her wings, and flew down towards the flaming wreckage.

Millenicel looked out of the small glass panel atop the Heygrasault's door. A fleet of Psykhodarks were heading towards them at a rapid pace. Jet troopers, Black Huntresses and even their customised, purple Carazstar. 'What the hell?' he thought. 'Psykhodarks launching a pre-emptive assault? Is this because of the rain finally clearing up? Or did they predict our moves?'

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