Chapter 31: Something Odd

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25/01/4014 AD – 09:01 – Warturf – Spirock Village – Tri-Carazstar

"What the hell is this?" Staruthia was looking at a news article that Millenicel had advertised across the entire Ultraya System.

"I don't know!" Relical felt as if he was somehow responsible for his brother's actions. "He just said 'hey check the morning news'!"

"Yes but... advertising an Arena match? In the middle of a massive conquest of Warturf?! What is he doing? And why the hell is it Anmarina vs Millenicel?!" General Staruthia's confusion quickly turned to frustration. "And if we are talking about confusing decisions, then why-"

25/01/4014 AD – 09:02 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port – A.E.R. Military Facility

"-the hell is this scheduled so far in advance?! The seventh of February? Why?!" General Flaymaclaze was just as frustrated.

"Is that a significant date?" Elimiphlaren tried to recall all of the past events that had happened in recent years. "Wait, thirteen days? Isn't that a Human bad luck number or something?"

"So what you think they plan to inflict us with bad luck?"

"I guess not. This is... odd..."

07/02/4014 AD – 20:50 – Warturf – ??? – Arena

"So we have twenty billion viewers, ay?" Millenicel smirked as he looked at various status screens for the event. He and Alexis were in a one of the combatant waiting rooms; the digital conversion pod (D.C.P.) was directly behind them. Stepping into this device is what allowed a being to participate in Arena matches without having to put their physical bodies in harm's way; they can even be killed in this what is essentially a virtual game.

"Everything going according to plan then?" Alexis laughed maliciously. "But I have to ask, what is this reason for choosing this date?"

"I figured it would be a nice birthday present for you", Millenicel grinned. "Win the war on the seventh; celebrate however you want on the eighth".

"I was just about to say: my birthday is tomorrow, not today".

"Hmm shall we get started then?"

"You're the one that needs to get in that chamber and convert yourself".

"Will do, you heading to the stands?"

"You betcha!" Alexis smiled as she watched Millenicel enter the D.C.P. and enter an unconscious state. "But first, I better armour up!"

A few minutes go by and both Anmarina and Millenicel stood, in Wyperian form, in the centre of a relatively-small arena; there weren't many seats for spectators at all. The walls were covered in dark-teal paint and the room was brightly illuminated by a series of lights in a cross shape on the ceiling. The announcer began to speak, it was Dracolast.

"Hello, hello!" Dracolast was extremely enthusiastic. "Welcome all to this surprise match between two of Ultraya's greatest fighters! First of all, I want to apologise for anyone that was hoping to buy a ticket for this event; in exchange for their valour, honour and most importantly, their silence, soldiers of Team A were given free seating to the live arena. But we still wished to broadcast this exciting match-up to the whole world!"

07/02/4014 AD – 21:02 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port – Lyshaspeare

All of the Wyperians in the U.A. and A.E.R. had tuned into this broadcast.

"The event was completely free? Welp, that crosses 'Funding' off our list of potential reasons why in the hell the U.A. thought this was a good idea", Elimiphlaren said as he drew a line through a sheet of paper; he and General Flaymaclaze were watching the event from the bridge of the Lyshaspeare command ship, locked away within Shorophrou Port.

"Shut up, and why are you using pen and paper?" Flaymaclaze responded.

"Eh, it looks more dramatic", the Quadria shrugged.

"Well not to worry", Flaymaclaze held a radio in his hands, ready to issue orders. "With those fools announcing the time and place so specifically, we can attack whilst this pissing match takes place!"

"... Why are you using a radio?"

"Because it looks more dramatic!"

"This is completely absurd!" Staruthia was staring out of the main window on the bridge of a Tri-Carazstar that was laying discreetly on the edge of Shorophrou's outskirts. The main screen behind her was showing the footage to everyone in the same room. "Millenicel's idea to rearrange all of our forces for no reason and this fight at some random ass time. What is he doing?! Relical, are you sure that was the end of the message?"

Relical's eyes were glued to the main screen; he was standing a little bit behind Staruthia.

"Yes. 'Move Team B to Shorophrou, move our space forces into orbit above it, arm everyone to the teeth, and tune into the arena match... oh and temporarily promote me to General whilst you are at it'. No explanations whatsoever".

"Huh... I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm happy to be relieved of the burden of General for a while, but it is still pretty peculiar".

"And what's with this hyper-specific rule-set?!"

07/02/4014 AD – 21:04 – Warturf – ??? – Arena

"For this match, the rules are some fun ones: no Shadow Abilities, pain levels set to zero, combatants have been given Sabrecut armour, and the setting shall be the Water Temple stage with water levels being set to knee-height!" Dracolast explained. The ground began to glow brightly as water started to fill the bottom of the arena. Ancient, white, stone pillars began to rise from the ground, extending all the way to the ceiling.

"Tertanshean City: a wonderful place of all things entertainment! It houses plenty of parks, cinemas, arcades, sports venues and of course arenas. Many come here witness the diversity of cultures that can only be found in this city!" Dracolast joyously continued.

"Ugh, why is he narrating that?!" Staruthia's stress levels were off the charts.

Elimiphlaren crossed another option out from his list, "Surprise attacks are a no-go; Tertanshean is on the complete other side of the continent".

"Imagine going all the way there and not even renting the biggest arena", Flaymaclaze laughed as he readied his radio.

"Oh, one more thing, one more thing!" Dracolast repeated. "Before we begin, I should probably introduce our combatants, my bad. On one side we have Elite Guardian Anmarina, the Angel of Water, and on the other side we have Elite Commander Millenicel, the Angel of Psyka!"

Elimiphlaren dropped the paper, "...What?"

Staruthia spun around and finally looked at the screen, "Angel of..."

"Psyka", Relical finished.

"ANOTHER ANGEL?!" Flaymaclaze was about to kill everything in the room. "YOU! I thought you thrashed them! How did you neglect to inform me that Millenicel ascended?!"

"I didn't know, you moron!" Elimiphlaren spat before halting. "THIS is the reason! They wanted to shock and demoralise the A.E.R.!"

"Damn you, Millenicel", Flaymaclaze grunted.

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