Chapter 39: Final Moments

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07/02/4014 AD – 23:49 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port – Shutenghen

Staruthia landed gracefully aboard the hull of a Shutenghen: her daughter's Shutenghen; the daughter that was standing right before her.

"So we finally see each other again, Mother", Clustrava spoke softly.

"So we do..." Staruthia replied; just hearing those words made her heart ache.

"So the A.E.R. plan to destroy the Ultrayan Alliance completely. You head that alliance and now stand before an enemy Commander. What do you plan to do?"

"You've... you've grown up so much... even got your own Shadow Ability..."

"Yes. Before even you got yours. Now answer my question!"

Staruthia sighed painfully and raised her submachine gun, "I won't shoot to kill, that's for certain".

07/02/4014 AD – 23:51 – Warturf – Skies Above the Psykhodark H.Q.

Millenicel dodged shaytrike energy discs. Shadowata dodged P.C.U. beams. The two psychic Wyperians continuously clashed in the sky. Shadowata's disc launchers had a second feature: shaytrike energy could be fired and locked in place to form a dark energy blade. Similar to Hyperzio's arc claymore, sustained contact would inflict damage. The two body pieces of Shadowata that ejected also turned out to be P.C.U.s that fired focused beams of energy; instead of the six barrels on the base gun-types, his had one beam at six times the strength. Millenicel kept his shield-types to block these floating turrets, used the sword-types to block Shadowata's shaytrike blade and used the gun-types to keep him at bay. Whenever the opportunity arose, Millenicel would take a shot at his opponent with his Angelic Cannon. In this battle of Psyka, no words were being spoken.

07/02/4014 AD – 23:53 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port

Elimiphlaren and Flaymaclaze shielded against yet another barrage of lasers from Relical. Elimiphlaren summoned flames from behind the ex-Ayratulia and attacked him; only two percent damage.

"Damn it this rain is starting to really piss me off!" he shouted.

"Sorry, didn't quite catch that", Relical mocked. "This storm is REALLY loud!"

"Damn Anmarina. This would never work on Lavamelt! I wish these clouds would just disappear! Or at least turn to ash clouds!" Flaymaclaze spat. Elimiphlaren looked at his boss, then the clouds, then his boss, and finally back to the clouds. The Angel-Quadria headed to the sky, inspired by Flaymaclaze's words. He ignored all of Relical's attacks, shrugging them off as he ascended.

07/02/4014 AD – 23:55 – Warturf – Psykhodark H.Q.

Anmarina was struck with a stinging blast of shaytrike energy from Veilure's purple staff.

"Aha! Finally got you!" Veilure cheered as she watched dark energy envelop Anmarina.

"As if", came a monotone reply as water blasted out of Anmarina from all angles, washing the Shaytrike away. The rain started to come down heavily on Veilure.

"You have that pathetic staff and a weak assault rifle... I have the entire world", Anmarina laughed dramatically as she raised her hands to the sky.

"And here I thought Alexis was the psycho", Veilure grunted.

"No, actually, you guys are the psykho-"

"ENOUGH WITH THAT JOKE!" Veilure screamed. "PsykhoDARK forces: attack!" At her command, several soldiers jumped out of cover and began firing at the Angel above.

The aura around Anmarina began to shine a bright blue as she raised her left hand over her right shoulder; water began to form, "Attacking me from the ground?! You insult me!" Anmarina unleashed another devastating wave, sending all of her opponents crashing into the ground.

07/02/4014 AD – 23:57 – Warturf – Shorophrou Port – Main Hanger

Crystrx and the Humans successfully infiltrated the main section of the large hanger.

"Alright", she said. "These corridors should be relatively straight forward; let's head down them and find the Lyshaspeare".

"Understood, Ma'am", one of the special forces replied. "Do you want this done stealthily or loud: I don't believe they are aware we are in here yet".

"Huh? Surely as soon as you start firing, the whole place will know where we are?" Crystrx spoke in confusion.

"Not with these", a different Human pressed a button on her weapon. The chunky sides of the SMG folded from the furniture of the weapon and over the barrel, retracting onto it and then and tightening. The soldier then fired two shots into the ground. 'Suwiff, suwiff'; the bullets made barely any sound at all.

"Oooh what is that?" Crystrx asked.

"It's a suppressor; it reduces the sound of the weapon it's attached to. Our SMRSA (Short-Medium Range, Silent/Accurate) or 'Samarsa's' are designed for stealthily taking out areas".

"But you make such a racket coming on the iotas that-"

"We don't always arrive via iota", a third soldier interrupted.

"Well alright then", Crystrx resumed the mission. "Find the Lyshaspeare as quietly, and deadly, as you can!" The Human soldiers scattered down the brightly lit, white corridors. Vice grinned, drew his weapons, and followed.

07/02/4014 AD – 23:59 – Warturf – Psykhodark H.Q.

"Will you just get lost already?!" Alexis shouted as she dodged shots from Stealphire. "You think that just because you have destroyed my Irhapas, you are in any state at all to attack me?!"

"Of course! You're an easy target now!" the assassin's leader replied.

"Oh yeah? Prove it!" Alexis fired a bullet from her Moirai, but it just pinged off the Wyperian's spherical shield.

"I just did!" he laughed.

"Why you!" the blonde-haired girl stowed her pistols and extended her arms; metal coating surrounded them and sharpened to deploy her arm-slashers. Her sapphire eyes glared intensely at the assassin.

'What's going on?! I was certain that her eye colour was linked to rage... like us Wyperians!' Stealphire began to panic. 'Crap! She will be back any second now; I have to have the Pilot land the finishing blow! That will let us keep permanent control on her mindset!'

Alexis's eyes switched to red, and her arm-slashers shifted back to reveal her hands.

"Oh thank goodness", Stealphire breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Wait... why now?"


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