Chapter 58: Approaching Ending

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08/02/4014 AD 16:32 – Lavamelt – Mount Avilasa – Hidden Temple – Summit

"He he", Anmarina nuzzled into Hyperzio's chest as Dracolast and Olicleaver walked over.

"So... hate to break the tender moment, but what was the afterlife like?! Which religion was correct?!" Dracolast pleaded to know.

Olicleaver looked concerned, "I highly doubt it is that easy... or that we'd even touch that subject with a ten-foot pole".

"It isn't that easy, no", Elimiphlaren said; he was sitting up against the podium the Rainbow Crystal had once been contained on. The rest of the group looked over to him.

"Every single time someone has been revived, they have appeared in white garments that look like they are from over five-thousand years ago", Elimiphlaren continued. "Other than that, they are exactly the same as they are when they died. So he'll still have his Angel abilities and most importantly... no memory of the afterlife, if there even is one".

"Any particular reason why we aren't kicking your ass right now?" Hyperzio questioned.

"If your girlfriend there wasn't so busy being all over you, I'm sure she would say something like 'been there, done that', or whatever it is you Humans say", Elimiphlaren raised an eyebrow.

"You don't say?" Hyperzio was both shocked and impressed as he turned his attention towards Anmarina. "How'd you do that?"

Anmarina backed off and also raised an eyebrow, "Why do you sound like that's such an unlikely thing for me to do?"

"Well you know, I just didn't think you had the ability to take down an Angel", Hyperzio wore a frightened smile.

"Oh I see", Anmarina blasted Hyperzio off the edge of the temple with a wave of water; the revived Wyperian had no choice but to deploy his own wings to get back up to the summit.

"Oopsie daisies", Anmarina smiled sweetly as she stood innocently with her wings expanded.

"An Angel of Water, huh?" Hyperzio reminded himself never to underestimate Anmarina. "That is pretty impressive".

Hyperzio turned his attention to his other two teammates, "So did either of you learn any new tricks in the time I was gone?"

"Oh of course!" Dracolast deployed his psyka-enabled dragoon cannons. They took aim at Hyperzio, looking to repeat the same joke that Anmarina just performed.

"Wait stop!" Elimiphlaren fired both of his Angelic Cannons at the P.C.U.s and wiped out all three units.

Dracolast was furious, "What are you-?"

"When a Wyperian is revived, they have zero percent health! He couldn't transform and block the attack!" Elimiphlaren quickly stated. A period of brief silence and relief followed.

Dracolast finally responded, "So yeah, I learnt how to use Psyka from Millenicel, who is also an Angel now; Olicleaver also built an upgraded Mylialta".

"Wow... I'm extremely proud of all of you", Hyperzio smiled. "Thank you for saving me".

"Speaking of", Anmarina turned her attention to Elimiphlaren. "I promise the next person we revive shall be Ru-Flare".

Elimiphlaren wanted to emphasise how rare these crystals were, but he was touched by the gesture, so he simple thanked her and moved on.

08/02/4014 AD – 16:49 – Lavamelt – Skies above Mount Avilasa – Shutenghen

Alexis slowly crept around the corridors, of the Shutenghen; she had hidden herself from the area she entered from as soon as she realised that much of the interior was not made out of the traditional anti-atmosphere Wyperian metal, but rather scrap metal that had been turned into makeshift walls. When she made it back to the hole in the hull, she saw that the place had been scorched via atmospheric heat as the base ship was descending. Alexis looked out of the improvised window and saw what looked like a large military base on the other side of Mount Avilasa.

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