Chapter 28: Moonlit Waves

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24/01/4014 AD – 04:06 – Warturf – On the Continental Lands - Near Molijight Ocean – Carazstar

The Carazstar was always so quiet when the majority of the crew are sleeping, even during shift change, everyone was very respectable to their fellow soldiers. Alexis walked down several halls until she reached a door to the outer hull. Unlocking it carefully, she stepped out to enjoy the fresh air. She looked up. A few clouds here and there, but nothing that could hope to block out the light of Warturf's full moon. Alexis sighed into the cool night's air as she leant on the railings of the ship.

"You know you look ridiculous, right?"

Alexis unholstered her pistol at lightning speed and aimed at the person behind her: it was Millenicel, in Human form.

"Was only poking fun", Millenicel raised his arms in surrender. "So what are you doing? Why are you walking around in PJs with a hand cannon strapped to your leg?"

Alexis lowered her gun, "My A.M.R. features highly efficient holsters strapped to my lower back; it allows for easy ejections of my twin Moirais. But sometimes... I just like walking around with it in its original holster..."

"Just the one?" Millenicel asked as he stood next to the girl.

"Just the one".

"Why is that?"

"This one is important. My second

one may as well be store-bought".

"Is that because of Kira?"

"... Yes".

"Who is Kira?"


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry".

"Kira was... my younger sister. This was her weapon..."

"Must take a lot of skill for a younger sister to fire such a thing".

"Yeah. Well she..." Alexis's eyes filled with tears, a result of happy memories of sorrow. She stroked the weighted rod under the barrel of the gun. "She still needed this stabilizer".

Millenicel smiled, "It's still impressive, I mean, even you, a seventeen-year-old, still need that stabilizer apparently".

"Not even!" Alexis burst out. "I just couldn't bring myself to change it! I took to dual wielding them to make the most of the weights! That little midget would still need the stabilizer even if she had two hands on the gun!" Alexis began to tear up again as she said this.

Millenicel didn't know how to respond, he debated whether or not it would be a good idea to-

"SHE WAS KILLED BY WYPERIANS! SHE WAS ONLY FOUR!" Alexis glared at Millenicel, her eyes burning red.

"I-" Millenicel was cut off

"I know what you are going to say! 'That wasn't us!' 'That was the A.E.R.!' 'The Ayratulia never wanted this!' - that's all anyone from this damn Alliance says", Alexis's voice started to trail off.

"I wasn't going to say that", Millenicel looked out across the moonlit waves. "I was going to say that I am sorry". Alexis perked her head up and looked at Millenicel cautiously; her eyes flickered back to blue.

"I am not diverting blame; this is an apology from me to you. Not from the Wyperians, not from the Alliance, not even from the Ayratulia: it's a personal apology from me. I should have reorganised my soldiers. I should have demanded that Relical retracted his wish. I should have thought things through before we made such irrational wishes!" Millenicel slammed his fist in the railing. "I don't know about the assault on New Side, but Anmarina claims that, when she was young, Psykhodarks were spotted attacking civilians... maybe it was the same in New Side... maybe a Psykhodark killed your sister. I take responsibility for that".

Alexis didn't respond. Her hair covered her eyes as she hung her head over the railings.

"I'll take that as my cue to leave", Millenicel said as he stepped away from the railings and turned to head back inside.

"This mission... it's to retrieve a Rainbow Crystal, right?" Alexis asked without looking up.

"That's correct".

"An item that can revive Hyperzio?"

"That is also correct".

"Would such an item also work on Kira?"

"Has she been resurrected before?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Then there would be no problem; she would return to you as her four-year-old self".

"I see... then I-"

"Would you be prepared to fight against Anmarina? An Angel that fought for the Earth?"


"Because Hyperzio, Anmarina's closest friend, is who the Alliance is currently trying to save. So again... would you fight against Anmarina? Would you fight her, alongside Dracolast and Olicleaver, in order to steal the Rainbow Crystal?" Millenicel asked firmly.

Alexis looked up to the sky, the wind blowing back her hair to reveal her deep-blue eyes, "The moon is simple, isn't it? It's just a ball of rock. Yet its beauty keeps this world stable, without it, this ocean planet would fall part. What if it was destroyed? Wouldn't you do anything you could to put the moon back? To restore your whole world?"

"And where would you get that moon from?" Millenicel asked. Alexis turned out to face him, shocked at how quickly he responded.

"Would you take that moon away from another planet? Destroying one world to fix another?" Millenicel continued. Alexis shuddered.

"What about your sister's pistol? How many worlds do you think you have personally shattered with each trigger pull?" Millenicel asked.

Alexis looked down at Kira's Moirai. One moment it was sparkly clean, the next it was covered in her sister's blood. The mental image caused her to drop the weapon in fear. Millenicel caught the weapon with telekinesis, before it could hit the deck, and brought it to his own hand.

Alexis was shaking, collapsing against the railing as the reality of war began to sink in - it wasn't fun. It wasn't some game to acquire the most 'Angel points'. It was about killing to get the most Angel points. Millenicel walked over to the distraught girl and placed a caring hand on her shoulder.

"So how about we end the cycle of destroying worlds first?" Millenicel handed the shining Moirai back to Alexis. "And then we restore your world in a universe where it isn't likely to be ended again in an instant".

Alexis looked up at Millenicel. The shaking stopped. She gently took the Moirai from his hand and holstered it. Millenicel then offered both hands to help Alexis up, an offer which she accepted.

"We are going to revive Hyperzio; an Angel which will head into war against a madman who wants nothing more than to end lives for the sheer sake of it", Millenicel explained, still holding Alexis's hand. He laughed, "Or would you rather have Flaymaclaze throw down against a 'midget that would still need a stabilizer even if she had two hands on the gun'?"

Alexis blushed bright red and yanked her hands out of Millenicel's clasp, "Are you kidding?! No way!"

"So we will revive Kira AFTER Hyperzio", Millenicel laughed before turning to head back inside. "You may have the looks but try to use some intellect in the future. Apart from on cheesy metaphors I mean".

"Hey don't you try and paint me as the 'dumb blonde' stereotype!" Alexis called out angrily, but Millenicel was gone. Her voice was reduced to a mumble as she kicked the dust off the deck on her way back to her room.

"But I really liked my metaphor..."

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