Chapter 29: Reflective Training

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24/01/4014 AD – 13:24 – Warturf – On the Continental Land – Near Molijight Ocean

It was a sunny day. And that was about the only good thing on offer. The separated Carazstars had all landed to make repairs. Soldiers of all rankings were training so they wouldn't get completed destroyed during the next encounter; everyone seemed to agree that a full-on assault against the Psykhodark headquarters may not be the best idea.

"Look, all I'm saying is that we should just send in the Elites and the others can attack the base with long range bombardments!" Dracolast proposed as he jumped around the rocky, baren, wastelands. Several beams were being fired at him from multiple directions: twenty-four beams to be exact.

"And I'm saying that would be total suicide", Millenicel responded sarcastically as he stood still with his arms crossed; he was attacking Dracolast with his gun-type P.C.U.s. The objective of this exercise was simple: Dracolast is to dodge two of the P.C.U.s whilst using his own shield-type units to block the other blasts. In order to block all gun ports at once, the shield-types had to be practically on top of the gun-types in order to stop the spread of the beams. This meant that Dracolast had to track the gun-types and block accordingly, all whilst dodging attacks. And to really up the ante, this wasn't being done in a training room: this little scenario would simulate a real combat environment far better than some virtual world.

"Gotta agree with Millenicel", Alexis said as she watched the training from a nearby rock; she was in her A.M.R. "Even if our Anmarina could handle Elimiphlaren by herself, that would still make it a four on three. And that's just the Elites".

"Shouldn't you be training as well?" Millenicel looked over his shoulder to address the blonde.

"Ha! Why would I? I'm already the best fighter in this group".

"Not... really? You can evade well and pierce shields... that's about it".

"Exactly! The most effective attack and the swiftest dodge! I'm practically invinci-" Alexis was pulled off her feet and held in front of an active shooting range a few metres away. This was a makeshift firing range for the average soldier as the one aboard the Carazstar had been destroyed. A missile fired from a rocket launcher was coming towards her. She could activate her starial shields, but her arms were locked behind her. She was encased in psychic energy. She squealed before suddenly being thrown high up into the air, avoiding the rocket, and allowing it to hit the original target. Millenicel dropped her to the floor, landing with a loud thud as she slammed into the ground.

"Oh my word, I'm so sorry Elite Destiny!" the soldier who fired the rocket panicked. "I was aiming for the stone target behind you!"

"Believe me, there is no need to apologise", Lexi grunted. Millenicel had, in one move, proved his point. Traditional weaponry was no challenge for her, but she certainly isn't unbeatable. Whether it's Millenicel's telekinesis or Veilure's particle staff, Alexis does have weaknesses.

'Guess I better get started on some counters to these abilities', Alexis thought as she tried to stand up. She couldn't.

"This will be your first lesson, dear Alexis", Millenicel said with a hint of smugness; he was still keeping her pinned down via telekinesis. "Stand up".

"What? Aren't you training Dracolast?!" Alexis struggled.

"I'm training you both at the same time", Millenicel commented. Alexis looked up; sure enough, the gun-type P.C.U.s were still firing at Dracolast.

"But more than that, I'm also training myself", the ex-Ayratulia stated. "I'm using telekinetic abilities to not only hold you down, but also to use all twelve of my units at once. Also giving instructions to you both, but that's less impactful".

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