Chapter 13: Heading Out

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12/12/4013 AD – 12:47 – Warturf – Alantraya City – A.E.R. Military Facility – Rooftop

Alantraya City; one of the biggest cities on Warturf and the entire Ultraya System in general. Alantraya's primary income revolved around farming and proving various food products to the rest of Warturf. The people of Warturf had traditions of having specific cities each dedicated to a specific industry. This process was seen as beneficial for a plethora of reasons: multiple companies all being in the same area meant that local resources, competition, and schooling could all focus on that dedicated industry. It also was the best deterrent against wars across the globe; cities attacking other cities would have no benefit as they would only be harming themselves in the long run. Even after The Ruling Change, Warturf remained relatively peaceful. These two facts meant little to the occupying A.E.R. forces.

Even though the army wasn't really needed, each Warturf city still had a fortress in the middle of the city that served as a military base. It was on the rooftop one of these bases where the two Angels of Fire stood, overlooking the actions of the people below them; both were in Wyperian form.

"This city will be the first target of the U.A.", Flaymaclaze confidently stated. "It has been confirmed by our scouts. Ha! Whirlizak's idea to leave the Lyshaspeare documents behind was genius – no longer do we have to wildly guess at the actions of the Alliance; we have all the time in the world to set up our defences".

"I know this", Elimiphlaren replied bluntly. "So why did you call me here, in person?"

"Because I need to know if you plan to stick with us", Flaymaclaze explained. "Anmarina and some others have separated; my guess is that they are looking for a Rainbow Crystal".

"I can see that being the case", Elimiphlaren said quietly, his unease was clear.

"So, I've come to strike a bargain; if you can carry out these orders, you are allowed to do as you please; including taking whoever you would like to intercept Anmarina and take the Rainbow Crystal for yourself", Flaymaclaze's proposal sounded genuine as he handed his underling a handwritten letter.

Elimiphlaren hesitated once he saw the orders on the letter, but eventually agreed, "Very well, I'll head to Zilatech City then". Elimiphlaren's wings deployed, and he flew up to an awaiting Shutenghen in the sky. The base ship began to move in the direction of Zilatech: a city for the technologically advanced.

12/12/4013 AD – 18:34 – Warturf – 100 Miles from Alantraya's Outskirts – Spaciairrer

"Ugh, are we there yet?" came a cliché line from Jonathon. He and Fated were standing at the edge of the bottom hanger of the Human base ship, overlooking the rocky grounds.

"Almost, Elite Drivra", Fated replied. "I'm sure we'll be engaging in a difficult battle soon".

"That's unlikely", Jonathon smirked as he turned to face the shadowy part of the hanger. A giant Air-To-Ground gunship loomed in the depths of the dark room.

"The ATG-0130 Terradeath is indeed powerful but remember that we only have one per Spaciairrer", the A.I. stated.

Jonathon laughed, "We only need one! We and the Wyperians will blaze through Alantraya whilst Alpha commences a simultaneous assault on Puryimore Town; we'll cut off Warturf's water and food supplies".

"It's interesting that just one of the dedicated industries is water purification... on a planet that is mostly ocean", Fated pointed out.

"There are plenty of other purification plants, Puryimore is a town that runs alongside a huge river; it supplies water to smaller nearby villages and cities that can't access the major parts of the river, such as the one we are going to", Jonathon explained.

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