Chapter 60: Final Advance

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08/02/4014 AD – 18:20 – Lavamelt – Skies above Mount Avilasa – Lyshaspeare – Hangar

"Welcome back, General Hyperzio", Staruthia greeted Hyperzio and his three Exploration Team members as they walked out of a Heygrasault. "All rested up?" The five of them were all in Human form; Staruthia was wearing her usual purple cardigan and a black and white dress. Olicleaver was sporting a scientist look, wearing an open lab coat over his black trousers and grey t-shirt, even had a pair of goggles resting on his grey hair. Anmarina kept her usual blue thermal top and grey slacks on whilst Hyperzio had blue jeans and his old explorer's jacket that Anmarina had kept in her room aboard the Carazstar that the team had just come from. Dracolast was the only one not in casual clothing as he had his A.M.R. equipped.

"Do you mind if we just keep you as the General?" Hyperzio laughed. "We'll just keep confusing the troops and besides, you deserve it anyway".

Staruthia smiled, "If that's what you want, then I'll humbly accept". She looked at Anmarina and gave her a hug, "Congratulations, Angel!"

"Couldn't have done it without you, ma'am!" Anmarina gave a cheeky salute.

Staruthia turned to Olicleaver, "I... I don't even know what to address first..."

"Heh, I always say dress for the job you want", Olicleaver shrugged.

Staruthia raised her eyebrow at Dracolast, "And how, pray tell, did you obtain an A.M.R.? I thought the Humans made it clear that they would not be distributing such expensive and unnecessary technology to Wyperians".

"Well I didn't get it from the Humans", Dracolast explained. "I got it from the A.I.".

"Alright, how?"

"Simple, you just have to make a deal with them; I can assure you they kept true to their word".

Staruthia held her aching head in her hands, "Dracolast... you do know there are about a thousand stories about how wishes and deals go horribly wrong due to some kind of issue".

"That's true, but my deal was I would receive Faythian upgrades and in exchange, I would kill Skyswipe!" Dracolast quickly defended himself.

"What the hell is a Faythian?" Olicleaver asked.

"I dunno, but the first half of the payment was made prior to the kill, and it included this A.M.R." Dracolast said smugly.

"So you don't even know what a Faythian is?!" Staruthia was in disbelief.

"Well-" Dracolast had an embarrassed smile on his face.

"Wait..." Hyperzio cut in. "Why was killing Skyswipe such a priority that they would be willing to give you a custom A.M.R.?"

"Oh, something about the fact that he discovered what Faythians are or something", Dracolast waved his arms around before he froze in place, realising what he had just said.

"So... so the deal was to kill someone in order to keep them quiet from telling others about Faythians... and now you have just told us about them?" Hyperzio raised an eyebrow.

"Um..." Dracolast couldn't think of a defence.

"Whatever", Olicleaver strolled on over to a computer that was in the hangar and began typing in commands. "I'm going to assume this means that those 'Human A.I.' are actually 'Faythian A.I.' and that Jonathon, Alexis, and Dracolast all made deals in exchange for their respective A.M.R.s".

"And Kira?" Anmarina asked.

"No, her A.M.R. is just a modified variant of the basic Soldier A.M.R." Olicleaver reminded.

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