Chapter 45: The Pilot

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08/02/4014 AD – 01:02 – Warturf – Psykhodark H.Q.

Stealphire opened fire with a spare sniper rifle from within his large helicopter; the U.A. were forced to either shield or retreat. Skullurst had secured Alexis into the bunks of the giant flying fortress whilst Stabshan was in the pilot's seat.

"Hold them off!" Stealphire commanded as the helicopter started to fly away. "I will pick you up after we have delivered the cargo!"

"No you won't..." Skullurst sounded upset.

"No they won't!" Millenicel insisted to the Pilot.

"No... they won't", she agreed, yet still remained standing in Millenicel's way. He looked around and witnessed the dire situation: Anmarina was out of health and was injured, Dracolast was unconscious, and the majority of soldiers on both sides had been massacred; there was no chance of a pursuit.

Suddenly, Millenicel heard engines roaring overhead: Olicleaver's Mylialta! The assassin's Pilot quickly backed away as the white Wyperian commenced a strafe run of the area. Lasers and rockets spread dust and mud into the air. It was already difficult to see with the limited light emitting from the surrounding buildings, let alone with smoke obscuring the place.

"Tsk", the red-haired assassin activated a function on her mask to outline the aircraft through the smoke; she pulled a missile spear from her back and hurled it towards the predicted path of the Mylialta. But her spear stopped moving, locked into place via psyka.

"Oh piss off!" she grabbed her Moirai from her assault belt and started firing wildly into the smoke, fully aware of what was going on.

Millenicel brought the missile spear over to him whilst dodging the bullets, 'Wait, she could see Olicleaver just fine but not me? Thermal vision?' He looked across at Millenyice and signalled for her to sneak up from behin- the A.I.'s head was blown off.

"Of course it's not thermal vision!" the Pilot declared as the smoke cleared, revealing her as she held her Moirai aimed at Millenyice. "It's 4014 AD, I think my mask is capable of a little bit more than just heat vision! You Wyperians are all the same! Constantly underestimating the Human race!"

Millenicel flinched, 'Can she-'

"No, I can't read your mind", the Pilot said smugly. "You're just so painfully predictable!"

"So... what's your story?" Millenicel sighed.

The Pilot pointed her weapon at him and fired. The bullet didn't hit the Angel, instead it hit the detonator in the middle of the missile spear he was holding, blowing up the rods instantly. Millenicel's glass visor was slightly cracked, and his arms were damaged, he just had forty percent of his health removed in one attack.

"Ooo impressive reaction time!" the Pilot remarked. "Even though it was an almost-instant detonation, you managed to push away the spears with psyka!"

"What the hell?! Every time I have seen you use these, there has always been a delay!"

"Only when they have been properly separated; force them apart and be met with a quick demise!" The Pilot spied Olicleaver's Mylialta as it started swooping towards her.

"That moron is flying back around", the Pilot took off two missile spears from her back, plunging one into the ground beside her and holding the other by the centre. She jumped above the spear in the ground and kicked the top half off towards Millenicel.

"Alley-oop!" she grinned as one half forced Millenicel to shield whilst the other half helped her jet boots propel her through the air, directly upwards; she was in stabbing-range of Olicleaver's aircraft. She snapped her spear in half and thrust the tips towards the cockpit.

"Damn it!" Olicleaver rapidly turned the joysticks in his Mylialta and slammed on the boost pedal. The Pilot missed the cockpit but managed to pierce the engine of her target as it sped past.

"Heh", the Pilot tossed the spare half of her spear behind her. Both segments detonated, taking the Mylialta with them; she landed gracefully on the ground as fire and debris smashed into the area surrounding her.

She looked at Millenicel with a malicious grin, "Today's a difficult day for me, but I'm certain your deaths will brighten it up for me!" The light-blue energy of tele-mag replenishing the missile spears on her back was an unsightly contrast to her ragged, dusty, singed clothing. The white energy core on her chest and the glowing markings on her mask helped to show the look of sheer bloodlust on this assassin's face.

"A difficult day, huh? It seems to me that you've been enjoying yourself a little too much from the start", Millenicel attempted to stall whilst he calculated his next move. 'Her backpack can hold three spears at a time... she has a shotgun on her left leg... and Moirai on her right; that Moirai has even been modified so it doesn't have a... stabilizer...'

The Pilot never fought against Alexis when she had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The Pilot was stunned by the same date as Alexis... and then Stealphire pulled her away.

And today... Alexis Destiny's birthday... is a difficult day for the Pilot...

'It can't be...' Millenicel stared at the young girl before him opponent. "You... you have blue eyes under that mask... don't you?"

The Pilot flinched, "What does that have to do with any-" She was suddenly interrupted; Olicleaver burst through the clearing smoke with his arm sword extended. He swung at her.

"No wait!" Millenicel outstretched his arm towards the pair. The comment stunned the white-armoured Wyperian, so he missed the girl's neck, but did manage to slice through her backpack, and cut the side of her mask. She quickly leapt away to avoid the detonations from her own spears. Millenicel shook himself out of his daze and used telekinesis to grab the Moirai from her belt as her mask dropped to the floor, the ragged edges sticking into the soft, mucky ground.

"Ha! Now we can see her face! I can scan her and see who she is!"

"We don't need to..." Millenicel mumbled as he looked down at the Moirai he had taken. There was a name engraved onto it in stylized markings made to look like scratches. This name read 'Lexi'.

"Her name is Alexis too?!" Olicleaver gasped.

"No, our Alexis told me something: her she and her sister both owned a Moirai and had their names engraved on the sides of them".

"But Alexis's says 'Kira'".

"Correct; Kira was 'killed' in an airstrike on the D.W.C.; she was holding Alexis's pistol at the time. During that same strike, Alexis had Kira's".

"So then... the person wielding that Moirai is..."

"Yes... Kira Destiny".

"But-but Kira was born in 4000 AD! That means she is only fourteen!"

"... I know".

"Seventeen is the minimum age for being considered an adult in Ultraya! We can't kill a child!"

"I know".

"Not to mention that it's Lexi's sister!"

"I! KNOW!"

"So what do we do?!"

"Well you can start by giving me back my handgun!" Kira Destiny barked as she struggled to stand and ejected what remained of her backpack; panels on the back of her A.M.R. opened up. There was a sharp glow and out burst a pair of dim-white Angel wings. Kira drew two holo swords from her belt and ignited them, one after the other.

"A HUMAN ANGEL?!" Olicleaver scanned the red-haired girl. "Angel of Skill... also her left leg is broken".

"Of 'Skill'?" Millenicel questioned. "What the hell does that mean?!"

"It means that I don't need my left leg to kill you trigger-happy civilian-killers!" Kira's deep blue eyes where glistening just like her sister's. She dashed towards her opponents, kicking up dust as she flew off the ground in a murderous frenzy. 

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