Chapter 46: Kira Destiny

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10/09/4004 AD – 12:35 – Earth – New Side City – Destiny Weapon Complex – Destroyed Shooting Range


Kira woke up in a cold shock; her vision struggled to focus into one sight. Her body felt heavy; there was no one around to help her up. Her ears were ringing; quiet explosions could still be heard in the background. Her blue eyes suddenly shot wide open.

"Lexi?!" the four-year-old shouted; there was no reply. "Mum?! Dad?! Anyone?!" She started trying to lift herself off the ground but collapsed shortly after standing. She looked down at her legs; her holster had been ripped off and part of her skin had gone with it. The sudden realization caused her to howl in pain; still, no one came to her aid.

After around thirty minutes of feeling sorry for herself, she began to calmly survey the scene with much more focus. The far wall had broken down and formed some makeshift steps that she could use to get outside onto the nearby hill covered in trees: an ideal escape route. Lexi's custom Moirai lay on the ground a few metres away: a simple defence weapon in case of an emergency. Kira staggered her way over to the weapon and picked it up; it felt heavier than before, but it appeared to be in full-working order. She then limped over towards the crushed, stone wall and steadily climbed up to the treeline. She took a moment to sit down and look at the rest of the city from her vantage point.

New Side City was up in flames. Bombers were dropping their payloads on industrial buildings, Wyperians decorated with the A.E.R. logo were gunning down fleeing civilians in the streets they called home. A large Shutenghen was hovering over the city, firing artillery onto the city. Human soldiers desperately tried to hold their own, but as A.M.R. was yet to be invented, they were no match. The sight of these merciless monsters infuriated Kira.

"So this is their weapon's research facility?"

There were approaching voices moving along the treeline; Kira quickly dove into the bushes nearby. Two Wyperians in silver armour strolled passed Kira then stopped to observe the Destiny Weapon Complex; the pair had their back to Kira and continued talking.

"Yeah, it's one of our primary targets", the one on the right said. "It apparently produces fairly advanced weaponry".

"Pfft! Advanced for Humans, maybe", the other laughed. Kira carefully moved in the bushes and lined up a shot with her Moirai; her hands were shaking violently, and the sights were struggling to lock onto the left A.E.R. soldier's head.

'Maybe I should just escape... Lexi was right; I can't accurately fire this pistol!' Kira started to calm down and lower her weapon.

"I have heard that the C.E.O. and his ___ of a wife have been killed though", the right one chuckled to himself. Kira didn't understand the word used to describe her mother, but she knew it wasn't kind. Her fear turned to hatred.

"Well I guess there is no one that will pose any kind of threat!" the left remarked. "Not that they were much threat to begin-" Kira's bullet completely shattered his helmet into shards of metal and glass.

"What the?!" the right one turned around. Kira squealed and emptied the rest of her magazine; the recoil sprained her wrist and all of her shots missed. The lifeless pistol sprung out of her hands.

The remaining A.E.R. Wyperian aimed his Mulrhad, "Why you little b-" his head, rifle, and torso were all pierced by sniper rounds; the body collapsed to the ground. Kira nervously looked around, even jumping out of the bushes to find the Humans that saved her. But there were no Humans, only one Wyperian with floating sniper rifles.

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