Chapter 25: Heavy Warfare

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23/01/4014 AD – 10:19 – Warturf – Spirock Village – Spaciairrer

"And that's five down within five minutes!" Jonathon cheered as he made a baseball-batting motion; the Terradeath had just obliterated the fifth submarine that dared to defy it.

"I really don't think you should be taking this so lightly", Fated said over the communications.

"Just deploy and defend the Terradeath", Jonathon complained. "We only have three of them after all. You defend the Terradeath whilst Alpha and Vice head down to assist the village".

"Yes, sir", Fated sighed as he launched from the side tube of the Spaciairrer.

"Yessir!" Vice said excitedly as he jumped off the edge of the ship.

"Nah", replied Alpha.

"What?! Why not?!" shouted Jonathon.

"I cannot see Skyswipe".

"That's true, but why won't you get down there and fight?!"

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

"Do as I command! Did you forget who created you?!"

"Did you?" coldly replied Alpha, to which the Human Commander held his tongue in response.

"Besides, they have Crystrx, Sollikarr, Staruthia and now Vice", Alpha justified his actions. "I'm sure they will be fine".

23/01/4014 AD – 10:20 – Warturf – Spirock Village – Metal Bridge

The assassin's Pilot jumped down to one of the metal bridges and blocked Crystrx's sword strikes with her starial shields. These bridges were the equivalent of city streets; they connected all of the spires and cliff faces together.

"You got a name there, sweetie?" Crystrx grunted as she pressed down the weight of her blades against the starial shields.

"Not one that you'd recognise. Just call me 'Pilot'", the red-haired girl kicked Crystrx away, drew a missile spear from her back, and swung it at Crystrx. "Just be sure to capitalize the 'P'!" Crystrx ducked to avoid the swipe but before she could make another move, the Pilot had thrust the rear end of her double-ended spear towards Crystrx's core. The Guardian had to trip herself up to avoid the attack. But now the Pilot was standing over her.

"Didn't think this one through, did you?!" the Pilot mocked as she raised her spear above her head. The attack was quickly halted as a one-armed Sollikarr fired a beam of solar energy from his rifle; the Pilot barely had enough time to use her starial shield. She then took her spear, twisted it, and snapped it in one motion. Both pieces were hurled at Sollikarr, who was running up to the brawl; he shielded to block the following blasts from the spear-turned-grenade.

Sniper fire started to rain down upon Sollikarr as well. Crystrx looked up; Stealphire was dual-wielding rifles whist the other four rifles had switched to their P.C.U. modes. Crystrx kicked the Pilot off her and used her jet boots to get back on her feet efficiently; she then instantly had to jump back to avoid the Pilot's fierce, downwards thrust with another spear. The missile spear pierced the metal planks of the bridge. The Human woman grinned and snapped the spear in half. One half blew up the bridge and the other was carelessly tossed into a spire.

"There could have been innocent civilians in there!" Crystrx cried.

"Oh?" the Pilot's mocking tone became cold and serious. "You people didn't seem to care when you did the same to Humanity!" The Pilot floated in the air whilst the Guardian stood at the end of the bridge.

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