Chapter 20: Returning Memories

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31/12/3999 AD – 23:58 – Earth – New Side City – Destiny Weapon Complex

"Less than two minutes left! Just hold on!" screamed a dark-haired man.

"This really isn't necessary... just ignore him and let this happen naturally", pleaded a Doctor dressed in a protective, blue gown. "Look, if it really means that much to you, I'll just write down 00:00 as the time of birth anyway".

"Shut up!" snapped the blonde-haired woman who was giving birth. "Kira Destiny will be the first child of the fifth millennium, and we are going to do this right and fair!"

"This is insane!" cried the Doctor.

"You can do it mom!" cheered a young Alexis.

"Five... four... three... two... one..." the father counted down. "PUSH NOW!" The mother cried out in excruciating pain as she pushed out baby Kira with all her might.

"Congratulations Mrs Des-" the Doctor was cut off with an even greater shriek.

"HIT THAT ENTER BUTTON RIGHT F*%@ING NOW!" screamed Yuri Destiny in agony. The Doctor panicked and hit the button on his keypad to send out the pre-made child registration form to the Government.

"Congratulations..." the Doctor sighed in relief as he handed over the new-born. "ID Code KYRD-1, Kira Elizabeth Destiny has been confirmed, and registered, as the first birth this year".

"Damn right!" Mrs Destiny replied as she cradled Kira, who had just had her umbilical cord severed. "We need to have my achievement marked!"

"... You're joking right?" the Doctor expressed his concern.

"Of course we are!" Robert Destiny laughed. "Both our children are miraculous achievements no matter what they do in life!"

"Well I hope so", the Doctor packed away his equipment. "I would hate to see little Lexi here get treated poorly".

"I couldn't care less", Alexis cheered. "Imma be the best big sis ever!"

"Oh, you certainly will", Yuri laughed.

"Well, in that case-" the Doctor was suddenly thrown against the wall by a powerful blast that emerged from the centre of the room. Paper, computers, and even Alexis was blown backwards from the shock. A strange portal started to form in the middle of the room and the father jumped in front of his wife and infant.

"Well, well, well", came a booming, over-the-top villainous voice. "Congratulations Robert, Yuri, and Alexis Destiny. That was quite the entertaining show". A crooked, dark-red demon emerged from the portal. It had jagged and ripped cloth over its body and a brown, spiked tail. Rotten horns sprouted from its head and sharp fangs formed a malicious grin.

"Who the hell are you?!" Robert demanded.

"Wonderful choice of words", the creature laughed. "Surely if Angels exist, Demons must exist as well? I'm surprised you haven't put two and two together yet".

"Whatever", Yuri spat. "What the hell do you want?!"

"I couldn't help but notice the immense amount of joy you felt in bringing this child into the world... a child that would have been destined for great things", the Demon continued. "If you'll pardon the pun".

"'Would have been?' She will be great, no matter what!" Robert asserted.

"Well I thought it would be a hilarious prank to inflict a curse on this child", the Demon laughed. "All of that work for nothing! It's genius! She'll have a life of nothing but misery! Can you imagine the-" The Demon was shot in the back but shrugged off the lack of even a scratch.

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