Chapter 16: Scorched Earth

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12/12/4013 AD – 19:43 – Warturf – Alantraya – A.E.R. Military Base – Control Room

The sun had set on the city; fires and lasers now burned brightly as they filled the dark skies. Flaymaclaze, now in full combat gear, was amongst several soldiers inside the main control room; the room that gave orders to all surrounding A.E.R. forces. Flaymaclaze had a bulky contraption on his right arm and a miniature machine gun on the side of his left shoulder; a silver double-sided axe was strapped to his assault belt.

"Sir, we've now lost both Shutenghens, and our anti-air guns are being wiped out!" a soldier shouted.

"Really?" Flaymaclaze said sarcastically as he looked at monitors that displayed the battlefield. He did not sound panicked.

"Should we retreat? Maybe leave the city?" asked another soldier.

"No", Flaymaclaze grinned. "This is exactly what I planned for. Last time, I underestimated the U.A. That was my mistake; They are indeed great warriors. Send the signal to Elimiphlaren. Oh and, open a planet-wide communications channel".

"Roger that, Sir", a soldier did as he was asked.

"Attention all members of the Ultrayan Alliance!" Flaymaclaze called out. "Cease your attack now, or watch a city burn to the ground!"

Staruthia jumped on the line, "Are you insane?! I'll kill you before you can launch a single attack at this city!" She ran as fast as she could from the bridge of the Tri-Carazstar but halted in her tracks as Flaymaclaze's next words were spoken.

"I wasn't talking about this city".

12/12/4013 AD – 19:44 – Warturf – Zilatech – City Skies

Zilatech City was Warturf's lead on all things technical; the water world's best engineers and technicians worked here. Whether they were simply repairing equipment, inventing new devices, or just providing assistance to the local villages, this city had it all. One could argue that, in this day and age, this city was just as important to the cities that provided most of the country's food.

"But still..." Elimiphlaren was quietly talking to himself as he hovered above the city, red wings expanded. The night-life was truly spectacular here; skyscrapers lit the skies whilst hovering cars navigated the busy streets. A fireball formed in the palm of his hand, "The people of this planet can survive without technology!" Elimiphlaren raised his voice as he launched several fireballs at the city; each one splashed the city with burning death and each one caused emotional pain for the Angel. However, he had to complete this task at all costs. It was all for Ru-Flare.

12/12/4013 AD – 19:44 – Warturf – Alantraya – Tri-Carazstar

"You coward!" Staruthia screamed.

"You say that like it's supposed to upset me or something", Flaymaclaze said slyly.

"Grr... all Alliance forces pull back beyond city airspace!" Staruthia spat.

"But!" came a plead from the communications; it was Jonathon. "We have won, we can't just leave now! They'll just pull this crap again!"

Staruthia slammed her metal fist down onto the desk, destroying a monitor and keyboard. "I don't know if I'm making the right decision", she admitted out loud. "Jonathon does have a good point... maybe we should push forward and end this right here and now..."

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