Chapter 2: High Tension

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07/12/2020 AD – 13:00 – Warturf – Generator Station – Tri-Towers

Warturf: a planet that is eighty percent water and is likely to be the place of origin for the Wyperian race. It is also a likely theory that as space travel developed, and as Iceikco and Lavamelt were discovered, the metal forms of Wyperians were integrated with their genetics through evolution. Soon after this, Wyperians created the modification pods to further enhance their abilities; naturally, the first use for this world-changing technology was to weaponize it. Warturf still used a variety of older technology, such is the case with the 'Tri-Towers' hydro-electric power plants. Positioned at the edge of a C-shaped, rocky shore, the three towers converted energy from the tides and supplied it to the local town. Due to the history and simplicity of the area, it was a popular destination for tourists. It was also currently being occupied by Anti-Earth Rebellion forces, who were happy to have full control over the distribution of electricity.

The three towers linked to a large station atop the adjacent cliff. It was here that the red-armoured Flaymaclaze, General of the Anti-Earth Rebellion, was waiting impatiently for the arrival of the sniper team that killed Hyperzio. A grey dropship with a bulky body finally came into view; its outstretched engines withdrew to the sides of the craft. Panels opened on the tail and top of the assassin's vehicle and deployed rotor blades; the newly transformed helicopter created a small hurricane as it landed before Flaymaclaze. Four beings walked out of the sliding doors as the rotor started to slow down. Three of them were dark-grey Wyperians with the same crest located at the top left corner of their chest: a red cancel symbol with a sniper rifle acting as the diagonal bar within the circle. The only difference between the crests was the number of tally marks that stood by it. The fourth member was very different: a young Human woman with a long, red ponytail and a black mask that covered her eyes. Whether it was a Wyperian in Human form, or an actual Human was unclear.

"Pilot, stay with the ship", ordered the front Wyperian. The voice was weighty, deep, and commanding; this one was the shortest of everyone present but had the most tally marks. His box-shaped helmet was completely different to typical Wyperian equipment; it had no spikes and six diamond-shaped eyes instead of a visor. The masked woman stopped in her tracks and stood on guard, obeying her superior without question. The few A.E.R. soldiers nearby couldn't see behind her opaque mask, decorated only with a cyan-coloured reticle and various horizontal lines of the same colour, however, they could still feel her icy glare.

"I would offer you a warm welcome, Stealphire, but at first I have to ask why you didn't kill more of them", Flaymaclaze's tone was wavering between anger and satisfaction. "Hyperzio was the biggest threat, but you had four soldiers; that could have been at LEAST four simultaneous attacks. I watched the footage you sent me; Anmarina and Sollikarr were out in the open; WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOOT THEM?!"

"First of all we aren't soldiers", Stealphire shrugged. "We are mercenaries: mercenaries who were hired to kill the Hyperzio imposter, which, might I add, I find it very interesting that you are now all of sudden referring to him as the real Hyperzio. But in other words, you didn't hire us to kill anyone else".

"Fair enough then", Flaymaclaze grunted. "Come on inside; we have your payment waiting".

"HA! You're joking, obviously; how stupid do you think we are?! The second we enter, you'll blast us with flames in an enclosed area", Stealphire predicted. "You'll give use the money here and now". Flaymaclaze glared in anger but eventually gave in and digitally transferred ten-million ulta to Stealphire.

"Thank you", said an extremely pleased assassin. "Now, if you don't mind us, we have some business to take care of before the upcoming battle".

"Excuse you?" asked Flaymaclaze. "What do you mean? What battle?"

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