Chapter 30: Tidal Wave

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24/01/4014 AD – 13:40 – Warturf – On the Continental Land – Near Molijight Ocean

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" Anmarina continually repeated as she rapidly flapped her feathered wings, dashing away from the beach as quickly as possible. She had to get back to the others; a giant tsunami was rapidly eating up the land. "Stop! Stop! Stop! Please just stop!" the Angel of Water's arms flailed around, trying to regain control of her element. It was no use. The crushed waves would just not stop. She approached the clearing of Team A's makeshift campsite.

"GUYS, RUN!" Anmarina screamed as she finally reverted to Wyperian form. Millenicel, Dracolast and Alexis looked up at Anmarina.

"Hey Anna, we were just about to call you back, what is with the shaking? Ground has been shaking for a while now. Is it an Earthquake?" Dracolast asked.

"No! It's a tidal wave! I can't control it!" she replied.

"What the hell?" Olicleaver spied the wave as he flew overhead in his Mylialta, sharing video feed to the rest of the group as he did. "It looks high enough that it will engulf both Carazstars and possibly destroy the one that is in disrepair". He was calm, even as he analysed the base ship that had had most of its outer hull removed to allow the crews to repair it.

Millenicel sighed, "What's the age rating of this book?"

"Huh?" came Anmarina's confused response.

"Do you think kids will read this?"

"Erm, probably...?

"Oh. Well in that case...F-"

24/01/4014 AD – 13:41 – Warturf – On the Continental Land – Near Molijight Ocean

The tidal wave thundered towards Team A. All of Millenicel's P.C.U.s returned to him as he held out his palms towards the wall of death. They began to glow with a faint, cream light and the wave suddenly stopped; it had been constricted with telekinesis.

"Yay! You saved us!" Anmarina cheered.

"G-get rid of the wat-er", Millenicel stammered as sparks glided over his armour.

"Huh?" Anmarina's cheers died down.

"He's holding it back with telekinesis!" Alexis shouted. "Use you powers to disperse the water! Is the water still being drawn from the ocean?"

Anmarina flew above the wave and reported her findings, "Err yeah".

"Well then hurry up and stop it!"

"I don't know how to! The water won't listen!"

"D-draw it-it to-wards y-you! In a sphere-like shape", Millenicel explained. "You're trying to overwrite a command you gave it and are stuck in that frame of mind. Divert some of the water to you". Using part of his concentration to speak clearly to Anmarina temporarily shook the psychic barrier and pushed it back slightly.

Alexis looked at Millenicel nervously then looked back to the Carazstars before calling them on communications, "Can't you take off and the others evacuate?! Millenicel is straining himself-!" She was cut off as she saw Millenicel's P.C.U.s began to detach and move around: The gun-types fired at the ground, the shields were sent to block parts of the tsunami, and the swords started to cut out chunks from the land. A small trench was starting to form; some of the overflowing water was being tunnelled out of there.

"What are you doing?!" Alexis cried out. "Even you can't withstand that much psyka energy!"

"Shut up!" Millenicel grunted as his distant grip began to loosen on the giant wave. There was a loud explosion: the closest Carazstar's energy batteries were helping to tear up the ground. Fragments of rock were thrown up into the air; Millenicel decided to grab them with psyka as well. He stuck the rocks together and created large spires to further hold back the ocean's wrath.

Alexis glared at Anmarina with frustration. The Angel of Water had the power to stop this but wasn't doing anything to help. She was trying to draw water to her but could only take out small splashes; the wave was being further reinforced with additional waves making this action completely worthless. Waves upon waves upon waves, the pressure was starting to crush Millenicel.

"ANNA! STOP THE DAMN WATER!" she yelled.

"Don't call me Anna, Alexis Sarah Destiny!" Anmarina's rage flared like an angry parent. "This is hard!" Water started to divert to the Angel. But this wasn't her doing; Millenicel was using even more psychic energy to shift some of the liquid over to her so she could more easily manipulate it.

"Can't the cannons just blast the wave apart?!" Dracolast asked as he looked at the base ships.

"No, that's way too obvious of a solution; Millenicel would have thought of that by now. I'm sure that would disrupt his concentration and only deal with part of the problem", Olicleaver concluded.

'Damn it, damn it, damn it!' Millenicel's thoughts became rampant as he gave himself massive headaches and physical strain. He felt the need to cross his hands over his shoulders and tuck in his legs, hurdling into a ball. There was tremendous surge of power building up inside of him; he felt like something was about to burst. At once, Millenicel released all of the energy at once, extended all four of his limbs at once, causing a psychic explosion. A powerful shockwave flung everything and everyone backwards: Anmarina, Dracolast, Olicleaver's Mylialta, Alexis, soldiers, debris, rocks, and most importantly, the tsunami. Whilst not flying backwards, the Carazstars scraped along the surface of the continent, causing an ear-piercing screech. Millenicel's backpack opened, dividing vertically to reveal the grey ovals on his back. Dark-violet Angel wings burst from his back in a brilliant light. His visor was burning red as he saw yet another tidal wave coming towards the group. He drew his hand behind his back, a powerful force growing in his palm.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" he screamed as he the thrust that same hand forwards. A massive, directed, telekinetic shockwave blasted through the tidal wave, decimating it completely. The blast continued and forced all of the water back into the ocean.

Millenicel let out a heavy, lengthy, exhale, "Anmarina?"

"Yeah...?" she answered nervously. The Angel of Water was immediately smashed into the ground with an invisible force, depleting a quarter of her health.

"Yeah... okay... I deserved that".

24/01/4014 AD – 14:10 – Warturf – On the Continental Land – Near Molijight Ocean

"So I take it this is a win?" Alexis smirked as she inspected Millenicel's wings; his backpack had been built in a way that it wouldn't be destroyed upon releasing an Angel form but can still remain relatively compact when the feathered wings weren't deployed.

"It all depends on how we handle this", Millenicel calmly spoke, trying to not be distracted from Alexis's constant swooning. He opened a communications channel to all of Team A, "I am placing an embargo on this entire event; if someone asks what happened just say that there was a sudden earthquake, or heck, just say it was Anmarina's power gone amok. You are all forbidden to talk about this new Angel form, is that understood?" A series of acknowledgements followed.

"Not a problem, but why?" Dracolast asked the question on everyone's mind.

Millenicel looked over to Anmarina, who had been sulking as she watched the ruined grounds. "Because I know how we are going to announce it". 

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