Chapter 41: Corrupted Night

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08/02/4014 AD – 00:10 – Warturf – Psykhodark H.Q.

The battlefield was eerily quiet. Bodies littered the ground, and the Elite-class units weren't moving. Everyone was just staring; staring at the two individuals equipped in Darkcrusher A.M.R. standing firm on the rocky terrain. Olicleaver's Heygrasault finally landed onto the Carazstar, but even that was frozen in time. Pilots and engineers were crowding around the shield that covered the hanger, staring down from the heavens to the hell below. Anmarina was so frightened that the thundering storm had turned to a light drizzle. The Psykhodark soldiers had all given up; surrendering before the sheer terror that was the black-haired witch. As the mercs were paid guns, this battle was finished. So why was this spherical-headed nobody standing in my way?

Alexis? stood with her hand on her hip, "So, Unit DHAI? Same coding style as Alpha, Fated, and Vice... any relation?"

"Oh? I had no idea that they had surfaced. But yes. I am Unit Three. If you have heard of Units One, Two, and Five then I assume that this is a case-by-case basis in which you learn of us", the A.I. explained. "As we are introducing ourselves, why don't you reveal your identity, Angel of Perish?"

That last comment stunned Alexis? slightly, "What? Didn't Olicleaver's scan visor clearly tell you I am not an Angel?"

"Right, right. You also called yourself an Angel and fired an Angelic Cannon. You're telling so many lies that you have lost track!"

"Well maybe I haven't told the truth at all. Maybe I have just been-"

"Olicleaver also wasn't looking in the right damn direction. You're not even here. You've been above that battlefield nearly this entire time; you only descended to mess with Veilure".

The Alexis? that was standing on the ground faded away and the real one dropped down from the sky. "Alright, guess I don't really have much of a choice, do I?" Her cocky demeanour returned. "Well to put it simply, I am not an Angel or a Demon; I am simply 'Alexis'".

"I do not believe you", replied the A.I.

"Understandable, very understandable", Alexis? continued. "But it's true. The curse laid upon me fourteen years ago was pretty... interesting to say the least. That simpleton decided that it would be much more interesting to watch me destroy myself rather than doing anything himself. So the curse takes all the darker aspects of my personality and elevates them. Desire... anger... malice... all enhanced whilst things like morality and logic are thrown out the window!"

"So you're saying that you're the darker side of Alexis? Some kind of shadow?" Millenicel asked from the sky.

Alexis? snapped her fingers and pointed at the Angel of Psyka, "Yes! I love it! 'Shadow'! It's so edgey... so cliché... so perfect! Thank you Milleny; I always knew you were smart!"

''Milleny'? Oh!' Millenicel remembered one of his objectives. "I need to find Millenyice and Relicalibur!"

"Good luck with that, Hun", Shadow waved him off as he entered the cathedral via one of the broken windows.

"'Shadow'? That's seriously what you're going with?" DHAI asked sarcastically.

"Well yeah! The lovely Millenicel practically chose it for me! Besides... it's not like there are any similar names anymore, amirite?"

"You've crossed the line!" the A.I. readied his dual rocket launchers. The launchers looked like ancient RPG-7s: a singular tube with a standard warhead at the end. The primary difference was that this one had a tele-mag system attached to it. These launchers had the code FFMVI (Free-Fire, Maximum Velocity and Impact) and were each dubbed 'Fumvee'.

"Oh yes... that was the final straw", Shadow laughed, readying her dual Moirai.

All four of the Darkcrusher's large shoulder thrusters activated; two for each combatant. Shadow flew directly forwards whilst the A.I. flew upwards and began raining down missiles from above.

"Hey no fair!" Shadow complained as she dodged the attacks. "My Darkcrusher can't fly!"

"You're too fat that's why", the Faythian replied as he continued the barrage.

"Trying to get into my head, are you? Well it won't work!" Shadow opened fire with her Moirais and used her Angel wings to lift herself up. The A.I. activated one of his starial shields; the bullet smashed through it and hit the side of his helmet. Part of his visor shattered.

"W-what?" the A.I. looked at the broken shield on his left arm.

"The piercing bullets?" Stealphire looked up in shock. "So then they..."

"Aren't tethered to my Irhapas at all!" Shadow laughed as she riddled her opponent with bullets. "The curse stated that I will be hunted forever... because the curse gave me the power to convert bullets into 'Perish Bullets'!" She flew down to the ground, grabbed two Misrasues from corpses, flew back up, and began to rain down gunfire at any enemies in the vicinity.

"SCATTER!" Stealphire commanded as he, Skullurst, Stabshan, and the few Psykhodark soldiers remaining started to run away. Shadow's bullets pierced through, rock, metal, and shields. She pulled the secondary triggers under the trigger guards of the rifles: shaytrike bolts captured two soldiers.

"Better run or you'll be massacred along with the other Psykhodarks", Shadow laughed as she reloaded. The soldiers accepted the penalty of the shaytrike fence and hurt themselves running.

"Too late", the maniacal girl said as she opened fire with the rifles once again. One by one, Psykhodarks fell to the ground, until eventually, none remained. Only those that surrendered earlier, or were currently in the cathedral, survived.

Shadow spied Veilure, still just standing there looking at the corpse of her son.

Shadow shifted on over and bonked Veilure on the head with the barrel of the Misrasu, "Hey lady, I just wiped out the majority of your group. You maybe wanna react here? Hello?" She sighed and fired more bullets into the headless body of Shadowata; Veilure was still unresponsive. Suddenly both of Shadow's Misrasues were blown up; DHAI shot them from behind.

"Oh you're still alive?" Shadow looked at her opponent up and down. His right arm and leg had so many holes in them that they could no longer support the machine. He held a Sirbus in his right hand.

"Very precise shots!" remarked an excited and impressed Shadow as she activated her starial shield to block follow-up attacks. "Fortunately, I can just grab this one", she reached for a Misrasu attached to Shadowata's belt... but the weapon flew across the air and was telekinetically snapped up by Veilure.

"Coru, transfer to my body", she picked up her staff with her spare hand.

"So! Your name is Coru, is it?" Shadow laughed as she turned back to the A.I.; he was gone. The second Darkcrusher was nothing more than a shell. Veilure's visor flickered.

'Unit Dark Hatred Artificial Intelligence, Generation 1 model 03: active'.

Veilure's visor turned red, "Let's kill this black-hearted witch!"

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