I swear to god I am not rushing their relationshipSomething bad is 'bout to happen to me
Why I feel this way, I don't know, baby
I think of her so much, it drives me crazy
I just don't want her to leave meNo one's pov
"It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I'll find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright"Brianna sang as she made breakfast,meanwhile Stevie was pacing around the living room worrying his ass off.after the argument Brianna and Stevie had yesterday,Laci disappeared.Brianna assumed that she went to go meet the band that performed last night,so she didn't worry as much as Stevie,who was worried sick.Stevie stopped pacing when the front door opened,Laci walked in with a big grin on her face."Laci!thank god you're ok!"Stevie said,hugging her tightly.he then pulled off of her and hit her shoulder,"where the fuck were you?!"he yelled."relax Stevie,"Brianna said,"shes fine isn't she?isn't that what really matters?"she asked.Stevie sighed,knowing that Brianna could never understand his friendship with Laci."I'm ok guys,in fact I'm really happy."Laci said,"what did you do last night?"Brianna asked curiously.but before Laci could answer Brianna's question the phone rang,Laci gasped and squealed.she rushed towards the phone,"hello?"she answered eagerly.
Brianna and Stevie looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Laci."Hey Chris!"she said,Brianna and Stevie were now extremely confused."who's Chris?"Stevie mouthed to Brianna,but she just shrugged.they snuck out the living room and went to the other phone they had,they grabbed it and intercepted the conversation.
"Hey Laci,you get home safely?"
"Yep!safe and sound thanks to you."
Chris laughed,smiling just from hearing Laci's voice.
"So listen,don't forget that me and the guys are gonna go perform at Rhino records today."
"It's been engraved into my brain Chris,I'll be there I promise."Brianna could hardly contain her excitement,but Stevie was just confused."I'll see you soon Laci."Chris said,"see you soon."Laci said.she hung up and put the phone down on the receiver,Brianna quickly did the same thing.they rushed towards Laci,Brianna grabbed her by her shoulders."WHO WAS THAT?!"Brianna yelled,Laci widened her eyes."excuse her,she's still trying to deal with the fact that you POSSIBLY MIGHT HAVE A FUCKING BOYFRIEND!"Stevie yelled,Laci widened her eyes even more,realizing that her own friends were eavesdropping on her conversation.damn technology!
She then became angry,"that was a private conversation!i can't believe you two!"she yelled at them.Brianna and Stevie immediately felt bad,"Laci-"but she cut Stevie off."ugh I was going to talk to you about my new friends,and how I might've fallen in love.but you just broke my trust."she said sadly,"Laci we were just-"she cut Brianna off."curiosity killed the cat."Brianna gulped,"I'm...gonna go get changed,I'll go eat out for breakfast."Laci said.she walked past Brianna and Stevie,going into her room and gently closing the door rather then slamming it.
Ok so I think I should explain Laci's friendships with Brianna and StevieStevie has been Laci's friend since they were in diapers,he used to have a crush on her in elementary school but it died down in middle school.basically Stevie is the voice in Laci's head telling her not to do certain things,while Brianna is the voice that says to do it and to not be a chicken.
Before they both dropped out,Brianna and Laci met on the campus of their college.they studied and did homework together before Brianna got frustrated with all the work and suggested that they should drop out and get jobs without a college education,with the help of Stevie they all managed to move into a three bedroom apartment.
I hope you guys aren't confused
Also for this fanfic certain events won't be in order(it was already tiring enough when I did it for my Nirvana fics)

Fanfic"How'd you get in?" "With a fake ID,please don't tell anyone.it wasn't even my idea,it was my friends idea." "Woah,woah,woah,calm down.it's ok,I won't tell anyone." "You won't?" "Nah,besides how would I get to know you if you were kicked out?" Laci...