Chris' pov
"Ch-Chris.."Laci whimpered.we were sitting on the couch,I was messing around while Laci was reading a magazine(that she put down)."does your back hurt?"I asked,she nodded."I'm on it."i said,she managed to sit up.I sat behind her and began to massage her back,she exhaled and didn't seem so tensed up."I can't wait for her to get out."she whined,"she's a freeloader,she's gotta go."i joked.she giggled,she turned her head to look at me."I love you."she said,I smiled."I love you more then anything in this world."i said,she blushed."I'm the Linda to your Paul."she said,"I would so live on a farm with you and Lily."i said."maybe we could one day."she said,I gently placed my hands on her belly.I felt Lily kick,I smiled."she likes my hands."i remarked,"well that's one thing we have in common,we both like your warm hands."she said.I blushed,I gently kissed the side of her head.I then widened my eyes,realizing something."we need haircuts."i said,"what?why?"she asked."if there's one thing I know about babies,they like to tug on hair and earrings."i said,she gasped."you're right."she said,"but you'll only have to get rid of your hoop earring."she added.I nodded,I sighed."see what we're sacrificing for you Lily?"I jokingly spoke to Laci's belly,Laci giggled.
Later that night...
Laci's pov
I couldn't sleep at all,Lily was keeping me up.I groaned as I flipped the blanket off of me and sat up,i exhaled."you got this Laci,you can do this."I tried to motivate myself,but I didn't really believe in myself.I sat up slowly,as I began to walk towards the bathroom I felt a sharp pain.I winced and bit my lip,holding my belly and the wall.I looked down and widened my eyes,there was water trickling down my pants.

Fiksi Penggemar"How'd you get in?" "With a fake ID,please don't tell wasn't even my idea,it was my friends idea." "Woah,woah,woah,calm's ok,I won't tell anyone." "You won't?" "Nah,besides how would I get to know you if you were kicked out?" Laci...