Chapter 61

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Laci's pov
"Thanks for inviting me over."Krist said as I let him in the house,"you're welcome Krist."i said as I closed the front door."where's Chris?"he asked as I led him to the kitchen,"he's talking with a studio about recording a 4th album."i explained."when's that gonna come?"he asked,"next year."I replied."you got it all planned out Huh?"he asked,I nodded as I began to brew some tea."Chris wants me and Lily to come on tour with him after the album comes out,he wants to spend time with her before touring."I explained,"that's nice."he said with a smile.after the tea brewed I poured some into two cups and handed one of them to Krist,he thanked me and I sat down across from him.

"How are you feeling?"he asked,"I'm feeling ok,Lily's kicks are becoming rougher but other then that I'm ok."I replied.I sipped some of my tea,i exhaled and put the mug down in front of me."Krist...I'm getting the feeling that you're here for another reason."i admitted,he sighed and put his mug down in front of him."Laci...I know that you aren't really a therapist and all...but,we've both been friends with Kurt for a long time and..."he trailed off,I gave him a concerned look as he began to tear up."he won't listen to me,he won't listen to Shelli,he won't listen to Dave...."I got even more concerned as I watched him shake a bit,"I'm worried about him Laci..."he admitted.

I got up from the chair and went around to him,I managed to hug his side.he grabbed onto my arms as he sobbed and shook,"I'll...I'll figure something out Krist...we're not gonna lose him,not on my watch."i assured him."H-He's my best friend Laci...he's like a brother to-to me..."he said,he looked at me."if you keep crying like this you'll activate my hormones."I joked,he laughed.I smiled,"there's that famous Novoselic laugh and smile."i said.he blushed in embarrassment,he wiped his tears with the sides of his hands."woo,that felt like a therapy session."he joked,I giggled."you know should bring Shelli over and have dinner with me and Chris."I suggested,he seemed shocked."are you sure?"he asked,I nodded.

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