Chapter 64

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No one's pov
Chris laid next to Laci in her hospital,his arm around her shoulder and his other hand on Laci's.she held Lily in her arms and smiled,"she's got your nose."she said.Chris smiled,"she's got your little dimples."he said.she looked at him and blushed,"she's perfect."she whispered.Chris smile,he gently kissed her.they then heard a gasp,they turned their heads and saw Ben."oh my god,she's adorable!"he said,barely keeping together his excitement.he slowly walked towards the baby,"guys!they're in here!"Ben called out.Kim,Matt,Stevie,Brianna,Hiro,Eddie,Beth,Layne,Demri,Jerry,Dave,Jennifer,Krist,Shelli,Kurt and Courtney entered the room."guys,meet Lilian Jean Cornell."Chris introduced the baby to everyone,"she's adorable!"Beth said.Eddie smiled and looked at her,already imagining a future with her.

"She looks like a mini Chris."Kim joked,Laci and Chris laughed."well at least she's got Laci's dimples."Chris said,Lily yawned.everyone(except for Kurt and Courtney)gasped and all said aww,"I want a baby."Demri said.Jerry,who was behind Layne and Demri,flinched and looked at them both.he knew about their drug addictions,so them having kids was definitely out of the question.I mean yeah,Courtney was on heroin when she found out she was pregnant with Frances,but Demri being pregnant while having an addiction was definitely a big no no.Lily slowly was starting to open her eyes,Chris and Laci gasped."she's opening her eyes!"Laci said,everyone crowded around Laci's hospital bed.

Lily opened her eyes,revealing that they were blue like Chris'."woah..."Kurt finally spoke,"ok it's official,Chris cloned himself."Matt said.Chris jokingly punched him in the arm,they both laughed.Courtney rolled her eyes,"come on Kurt we gotta go,I wanna let Cali rest."she said.she roughly grabbed his wrist,making him whimper as she led him away from the group and out of the hospital room.Krist clenched his hands into fists,Shelli grabbed his wrists and made him look at her."I'll go check on them,come on Jen."Dave said,him and Jennifer left the room to go find Kurt and Courtney.Laci sighed,"you worried?"Chris asked.she nodded,"I'm also worried about them."she whispered to Chris as she pointed at Layne and Demri with her head.

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