Chapter 80

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No one's pov
Laci and Chris sat on the floor outside the bathroom door,nervously waiting for the pregnancy test Laci had taken.all they had to do was wait five minutes,five nerve wracking minutes.Laci didn't have to take a test the first time when she was pregnant with Lily,but then again Chris and Laci were both inexperienced at the time.Laci sighed,"screw it."she stood up."I wanna check."she said to Chris,who looked at her.he quickly stood up,"same!"he exclaimed."then it's settled,we'll look."he nodded in agreement,"actually I should probably go get Lily."Laci said.she sounded nervous,Chris could tell."we'll get her later babe."he held up the baby monitor,"let's check now."she sighed."you're right,if we don't check we'll never know."Chris smiled and held her hands,she smiled back.

They went into the bathroom,Chris picked up the test."ready?"she asked,he nodded,"ready?"she nodded."3,2,1."they counted,Chris quickly flipped over the test:revealing that it was positive.Chris and Laci gasped,they then looked at each other and squealed."WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!"Chris exclaimed happily,"WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!"Chris picked her up and lifted her off the ground.Laci giggled as Chris sat her up on the sink counter,she held onto him as he attacked her neck with kissed.he then bent down to her stomach and lifted up her shirt,he gently rubbed her stomach."another baby..."he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently kissed her stomach,Laci smiled and tangled her fingers through his hair.

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