Breaking news!Chris Cornell and his wife Laci Cornell announced that they're having a baby!MTV has an exclusive interview from the Cornell's themselves,telling us what they know so far.
Alex:welcome back MTV!I'm here with Chris Cornell,lead singer of SoundGarden,and his wife Laci Cornell,manager of bands like Alice In Chains and Screaming trees!
*Laci and Chris wave at the cameras while holding hands*
Alex:now before we ask the big question I wanna know one thing that I'm sure everyone else wants to know,how did you two meet?
Laci:Well Alex we met a bar,I was hanging out with two of my friends while Chris was performing with SoundGarden that night
Chris:I guess you could say it was fate*he smiles at Laci*
Alex:that is just adorable,Chris how did you know that she was the one?
Chris:from the moment we locked eyes,I felt this connection to her.I wanted to know everything about her,it wasn't just her looks that drew me to was something else.
*Laci smiles,feeling herself tearing up*
Alex:now time for the big questions,it's time to spill the beans about the baby.
Laci:so far all we have in an ultrasound picture,in a couple of months we'll go back for another ultrasound to check up on the baby.
Chris:I've been calling the baby little popcorn kernel
*Chris and Alex laugh*
Alex:well there you have it folks!Chris and Laci,thank you so much for doing this little interview.
Laci:you're welcome
Alex:if you ever return to the show,it'll probably hopefully be with the baby
Chris:now that's a cute sight*smiles*
Laci's pov
Chris was looking for some houses while I was making dinner.Abbey Road was playing on the record player,I smiled and hummed along to the song that was currently playing."I think I found a home for us!"Chris said as he excitedly ran into the kitchen,I put down the wooden spoon I was using."that's great honey!"i said,he showed me the piles of papers he was looking at."I circled it."he said,pointing at the house with a red circle around it."it's got enough room for us,a nursery,a office,and a studio!"he said happily,"oh honey,it's perfect!"i said.he smiled,"I love you."he said.I smiled,"I love you too."i said.the song then changed to Something,aka our favorite song.both of our faces lit up,I lowered the heat on the stove."Wanna dance?"I asked,he grinned."I was gonna ask you the same thing."he said,I smiled.he held my hand,we walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Fanfiction"How'd you get in?" "With a fake ID,please don't tell wasn't even my idea,it was my friends idea." "Woah,woah,woah,calm's ok,I won't tell anyone." "You won't?" "Nah,besides how would I get to know you if you were kicked out?" Laci...