Chapter 20

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I will be timeskipping soon

And by soon I mean not yet

Because while it is currently 1990

It's almost 1991

So i don't need to timeskip




Laci's pov
I rolled to my side,only to feel nothing.I sat up and saw Chris wasn't in bed,"Chris?"I whispered.I got out of bed and searched for Chris,I eventually found him out on the front porch smoking."you ok?"I asked,he turned around and looked at me."hey,why aren't you sleeping?"he asked,"I couldn't sleep."I said as I sat down next to him."something on your mind?"I asked,he nodded."I uh..."he sighed,"have been contemplating on something very serious...and I think...that it's finally time that I uh,ask you something very seriously."he said.I held his hand,"you know you can talk to me about anything."I said.I looked into his beautiful eyes,blue like the sky."A couple of months ago I uh,bought a ring."he began to say,my eyes lit up.

"And um,at the time I was going to propose to you with it.but uh,after talking to Kim he made me realize that it was too early.and yeah,it was.I already had you,I still have you.but now,a-after being here and meeting your family...just the thought of you being Laci Cornell..."I smiled,tears forming in my eyes."o-or Chris Trebell!I'll take your last name,"he quickly fixed himself,I giggled.he cupped my cheek,"I'd do anything for you in a heartbeat...always..."he whispered.I could hear his voice shaking,I couldn't take it anymore.I grabbed his cheeks and smashed my lips onto his,he gently grabbed my wrists and kissed me back.we pulled away to breathe,I leaned my forehead against his.

"I would love to be Laci Cornell."

His whole face lit up,his eyes glimmered in the moonlight."really?"he asked,making sure that I wasn't messing with him.I smiled and nodded,"really."I replied.he grinned,he hugged me tightly.I giggled and hugged me back,"shit!wait,wait,hold on a minute."he said.he gave me a quick kiss and ran inside the house,after a minute he came back out.he got down on one knee in front of me and held my hand,I giggled and smiled as tears were now rolling down my cheeks.I could feel Chris' hand shaking,he laughed and smiled."Laci Trebell,will you marry me?"he asked as he shakily held the ring up,"yes,I will marry you Chris Cornell."I replied.he smiled,I held his hand as we both stood up.he shakily slipped the ring on my finger,I smiled and looked at him.i cupped his cheek and wiped a tear with my thumb,he cupped my cheek and gently kissed me.

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