Chapter 88

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No one's pov
Chris laid next to Laci in her hospital,his arm around her shoulder and his other hand on Laci's.she held the baby in her arms and smiled,"she's so beautiful."she whispered."yeah,beautiful like you."Chris whispered,Laci giggled and looked at him."I think she's got your looks."she insisted,he chuckled.then,she widened her eyes."Chris,we never thought of a name for the baby."Chris widened his eyes as well,"oh shit."he cursed."oh my god,she's adorable!"they heard someone say,they turned their heads and saw Matt and Dave."guys!they're in here!"Ben called out,Dave excitedly rushed towards Laci and Chris.

"Dave!what are you doing here?"Laci asked,"yeah,I thought you were on tour?"Chris asked."you really think I'd miss this moment?"he asked them,"fair enough."Laci giggled.Kim,Ben,Eddie,Beth,Lily,the other members of Pearl Jam,Krist and Shelli entered the room."she's adorable!"Beth gushed,"look Lily,that's your sister."Eddie said as he pointed at the baby.he gently placed Lily down on the edge of the hospital bed,she curiously crawled towards her mom and the baby."does she have a name?"Kim asked,"we uh,didn't think of a name."Chris admitted as he blushed in embarrassment.Nate,Dave's bassist,stepped forward and examined the baby.

"Ya know,she looks like a Toni."he pointed out.Chris and Laci's faces lit up as they looked down at the baby,Lily giggled as she gently grabbed her little sister's hand."Toni!Toni!"she repeated,everyone said aw."looks like Lily likes her sister's name."Chris pointed out,"nice job Nate."William(Dave's drummer)said as he patted Nate's shoulder.Nate smiled proudly as Dave,William,and Pat hugged him."then it's settled,the baby's name is Toni."Laci said,"Toni Cornell...I like it."Eddie said."me too."Beth said,Shelli nodded in agreement.

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