Part 1

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'It feels like everyone is happy but me'

With a few shakes Wonwoo was awake, his brother Chan, stood over him as he shook him.

Chan noticed his brother waking up and parted from his limp body and got out his school bag putting in a few of his school books inside.

Wonwoo must've slept through the alarm, checking his phone he realised that Chan had woken him up before his alarm.

He was going to question Chan before he heard a crash come from downstairs.

Sighing he got up from his bed and dressed up for school, the crashes would get louder and the shouts of his parents increased in volume.

Shaking his head he brought his brother to the bathroom with him, putting toothpaste on his brother's toothbrush and passing it over to him.

He then did the same for his own and they brushed their teeth together.

They rushed back to their room and Wonwoo packed up his bag.

"I have work not long after school, you'll have to either go through the window or the stairs. Just run and if she calls for you just lock the door. Leave the window open for me when I finish work." Wonwoo announced, sighing as he threw his bag over his shoulder, Chan doing the same.

Quickly, the boys ran downstairs and rushed out of the door, walking slowly.

They stopped at their regular corner shop and Wonwoo walked through digging for his wallet for spare coins he could use to pay for Chan's breakfast.

Finding a cheap breakfast bar he paid for it and gave it to his brother, feeling amused as Chan chomped on it and made a mess of himself with the crumbly texture.

He soon dropped off his brother, wiping away all the crumbs from his face and uniform jumper. Before he parted and left to go to school.

The school day continued as normal, he waited at lunch for his only friend, Jun to show up but he didn't. It disappointed him more than he thought but he just dismissed it.

As soon as school was finished he ran to the shops and brought his brother a sandwich and a packet of crisps for his dinner, paying for it with the little money he had stored for that day and fled home.

His brother hadn't returned home yet so he put his food on the side table and changed for work.

Hoping today his boss wouldn't still be pissed at him for dropping a drink down a lady's back.

He stripped his clothes and shoved his legs through his trousers, buttoning his polo shirt before zooming off. He got to work on time for once but his manager still had something to grumble about.

This time it was about his hair and how he should have it cut because it 'makes him look improper'.

Unfortunately Wonwoo didn't have the money for an expensive haircut and had to cope with his little brother tripping the back of his head whilst he did the front.

It's not like his parents would fund him for a haircut when they forgot he existed.

"Wonwoo, can you get the knives from the draw and bring them here?" A coworker asked, Wonwoo nodding and obeying.

"The whole draw?" Wonwoo specified, and the coworker nodded, sending a glare as Wonwoo stumbled to get the knives.

He opened the drawer and began picking them up not thinking straight and he accidentally cut his finger as he picked up a knife.

Groaning in pain, he put down the knives and went to grab a tray, his coworker would go mental if they found out he had cut himself.

"Here you go." Wonwoo said, trying to hold back a whimper.

"Fucking hell Wonwoo, I bet you've gotten blood over the knives now, just go out them in the wash." The coworker sneered, shoving the tray of knives towards Wonwoo, but due to it being on the edge the whole tray fell to the floor.

Knives splattered around Wonwoo's feet and he quickly began to pick them up, already feeling the shame that his manager was going to give him.

"Wonwoo I swear to god, when are you going to do anything right? Just get off and go home before you end up stabbing someone you clumsy fuck." His manager spat.

Wonwoo nodded and ran out of the restaurant, running back home, blood still running down his fingertip.

Soon enough he's at the door of his house and he skilfully climbs the house to get to the window of his room. He slid through the small hole and sighed in relief when he got in.

Gazing to the side, his brother was asleep, an empty box and packet of crisps laid beside him.

Nodding, Wonwoo threw the rubbish in the bin and began to clean up the cut on his finger.

He put away his medical kit before strolling over to his brother. He placed a small kiss on his head before he got ready for bed, taking a quick shower and running back to his room after he had left it for a short amount of time.

He got into bed and turned off the light, letting a loud groan fill the silence, noting that that day was absolutely shit.

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