Part 24

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'Don't wanna stay, now we can go'

"Since we're off today, I'll pick up Chan after school." Wonwoo announced, joining Mingyu in the living room.

Nodding, Mingyu sat down and opened his arms waiting for Wonwoo to join him.

He slipped into his boyfriend's arms and laid his head on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Mingyu then put a movie on, but he didn't watch it, he was busy watching Wonwoo. Every time he smiled his heart would race and he would smile along.

Soon enough, he raised his hand and turned Wonwoo's head so he could kiss his lips, his pressure gentle.

His lips landed on his and Mingyu kept trying to carry the kiss by deepening it but Wonwoo would pull away, wanting to watch the movie.

"Mingyu, stop it. I'm watching this." Wonwoo pouted, another kiss was placed on his lips, so he hid his lips, stopping Mingyu from kissing him, trying to not laugh at his boyfriend who glared at him.

But Mingyu had another plan and began pecking his neck.

"Mingyu!" Wonwoo shrieked, pushing his boyfriend off the chair entirely making him land on the floor.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Wonwoo asked, laughing. He couldn't hold it together and was practically crying on the sofa, his arms around his waist as he laughed until his stomach hurt.

"You're so horrible." Mingyu pouted, getting back up in the chair and pulling Wonwoo towards him, holding him tightly so he wouldn't get pushed off again.

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo laughed, his apology not really seeming believable to Mingyu, he huffed and snuggled into Wonwoo still not paying attention to the movie.

"Pay attention to me, your boyfriend." Mingyu began whining.

Wonwoo however was still into the movie and he continued to ignore complaints that his boyfriend would voice.

"Babe, shut up. This is a good bit." Wonwoo muttered, his eyes stuck in the television.

"What do you mean this is the good bit? You told me you've never seen this movie?!" Mingyu declared, squinting as his boyfriend had a sheepish smile on his face.

"Just shut up." Wonwoo continued to silence, mind totally immersed in the film.

The time soon hit three and Wonwoo dragged by his arm Mingyu to pick up Chan.

Chan ran up to the two of them and began showing off the stuff he had done that day.

A happy grin on his face as the two pretended to love it. However, Mingyu seemed more believable than Wonwoo.

"Look! Look!" He shouted, showing Mingyu one of messily coloured in pieces.

"Wow, you're such an artist!" Mingyu gasped, taking the picture and gawking at it, Chan still giggled nonetheless.

Chan held Mrs. Snow Bear on the way home, he had once again taken it to school with him. It made Wonwoo concerned, but as long as he was happy- he was too.

"Do you take Mrs. Snow Bear with you everyday?" Wonwoo asked his brother and he held the bear's hand whilst Chan held onto Mingyu's.

"Yes!" Chan laughed, swinging the bear's arm around.

They returned home and Chan took Mingyu to his and Wonwoo's room, dragging him up the stairs with food in his hand and Mingyu's hand in the other.

The house was too quiet for Wonwoo's liking, especially with Mingyu's heavy feet stomping around the house.

"Mum!" Wonwoo called out, hoping she would call out to him. The house was clean, nothing like the tip it was.

He walked into the kitchen and saw the table she usually sat at was empty, there were no signs of coffee that she would drink or the alcohol she thought was necessary to a baby's life.

In a rush, he leaped up the stairs, not wanting to take any longer in his search.

He got to his parents room and threw the door open- nothing. He opened the wardrobe and there was his answer.

There were no clothes in the wardrobe, there was nothing in the draws. His mother, just like his father, had run away.

Panicking he walked into his room and grabbed his phone, smiling like nothing was wrong before leaving the second he was in there.

He sat on the stairs and called his mum's mobile, but the line would cut off or it wouldn't connect.

Running a hand through his hair, Wonwoo tried to contact his father but still nothing.

Tears started flowing heavily down his face and everything felt overwhelming. His throat felt as if it was swelling and his heart began to pound in his ears.

He couldn't breathe. Tears cascaded further, flowing down to his neck before arms wrapped around his shoulder.

"Wonwoo are you okay?" The voice asked, but his head was far too foggy, as if he was drowning underwater.

"Wonwoo breathe, calm down." Mingyu said, trying to soothe his boyfriend. It wasn't working though, Wonwoo still felt the pressure on his neck.

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