Part 31

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Just a reminder that they are of legal age~

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Just a reminder that they are of legal age~

'We are together'

Wonwoo woke up with a groan, his eyes sore but his burden didn't feel as heavy. He sat up, hunched over in bed.

Looking to the side, he picked up Mingyu's phone glancing at the time in shock. He had slept the whole day.

Pulling away from Mingyu's arm that was still attached to his arm, he got up and stumbled into the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, he stared at his bruised eye.

It had gotten darker and more blue overnight, almost brown. Pouting to himself he grimaced, walking back to bed.

He got under the covers and cuddled back into Mingyu, being careful of his eye as he shoved his face into his boyfriend's neck.

A sharp knock rang on the door and a head popped through. Wonwoo lifted his head ever so slightly letting the person know he was awake.

"Sorry, are you alright? You and Mingyu didn't come down for dinner." Mingyu's mum asked, walking in so her whole body could be seen.

Mingyu must've just stayed with Wonwoo the whole night, slipping his meal for his boyfriend's comfort,

"Sorry." Wonwoo muttered, sitting up again before hearing a shriek.

"Oh my gosh, what happened to your face!" Mrs Kim gasped, running forward to grasp Wonwoo's chin and move his head around so she could inspect the bruise.

"It's nothing-."

"Nope, it isn't nothing. Wait a second." She paused, racing out of the room quickly before immediately returning with a first aid kit in her hands.

"Sit up properly Wonwoo, I'll just clean it up a bit." She rambled, opening the curtain so she could see more of what she was doing.

She dabbed carefully around his eye, trying not to hurt him. However the alcohol wipes were stinging his eye off. Making him squint in pain.

"Done!" She announced, sipping up the small green bag. She got up off the bed and pressed a kiss to Wonwoo's head before waving him goodbye as she fled the room.

"What did mum want?" A voice sounded beside him, groggy in tone.

Wonwoo ignored him slightly, too in shock to answer- it was weird to have the attention of a parent figure, especially a caring one.

"She was just cleaning my eye." Wonwoo finally answered, receiving a groan from Mingyu.

"Cuddles please." Mingyu asked, opening his arms as Wonwoo laughed and leaned into his body, his arms wrapped around Mingyu's waist.

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