Part 36

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'The sky-coloured magic circle,'

Wonwoo finally awoke in bed, his head was killing and he felt as if he couldn't move, his body completely limp.

Turning his head carefully he was met with the face of Mingyu, laid close to his own.

He panicked for a second, jolting away before calming down, their hands were intertwined, he tried to steady his out of control breathing.

He had no idea how long he had been out for, but it seemed to be for a while, the sky was now black, no more natural light came from the window.

Wonwoo tried to steadily get up but his head felt as if it weighed a tonne which sent him back down into bed. Whimpering, he felt Mingyu stir beside him, groaning.

The boy awoke and sat up immediately. "Wonwoo, are you okay?" Mingyu asked, running his hand down Wonwoo's face.

His eyebrows were furrowed in concern, he gazed down into Wonwoo's eyes trying to figure him out.

"What happened?" Mingyu asked, his eyes flashing with anger. Wonwoo carefully shook his head and groaned, closing his eyes tightly from the pain.

"I found you, in the pantry. With him over you, I swear I could've killed him if my mum didn't pull me back. She kicked him out though, he's gone." Mingyu reassured, running a hand through Wonwoo's hair, trying to not pull on the strands.

"She made him leave as soon as I got a hold of you, I'm sorry." Mingyu whimpered, kissing Wonwoo's neck as he pushed his face into his boyfriend's neck, breathing his scent.

"I almost didn't hear you, I'm really glad I trusted my gut." Mingyu ranted, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's cheek a couple of times, consoling his boyfriend.

Wonwoo was going to reply but his energy was still down, he felt sick, humiliated and exhausted.

He just wanted to forget, his breathing becoming sharp as the thoughts of the event kept appearing in his head.

"Wonwoo, please tell me he didn't actually do anything to you." Mingyu cried, his eyes seemingly more red than before, he must've cried about it before Wonwoo woke up.

"He only touched me." Wonwoo explained, his voice hoarse and faint. Mingyu nodded and laid his head down beside Wonwoo's, kissing his lips.

"Where?" Mingyu asked, his eyes squinting in hesitation. He didn't know if Wonwoo was comfortable or not, he could barely speak.

"Everywhere." Wonwoo cried, his voice breaking. Mingyu cooed and pushed himself against Wonwoo, wrapping his arms around him being careful of his injuries.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you." Mingyu muttered against his lips, pressing a sloppy kiss against Wonwoo's lips. Giving small little pecks afterwards.

"You didn't know." Wonwoo mumbled, his speech still slurred.

"It wasn't the first time." Wonwoo added, his voice becoming more clear as he nuzzled his nose against Mingyu's.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu asked, sitting up slightly, pulling away, confused, the man just couldn't keep still, nerves kept him fidgeting.

"He's attacked me before, on my way to work." Wonwoo paused, wanting to get up. He pushed himself up and tried to sit up entirely but his head seemed to struggle with staying up.

Mingyu noticed his efforts and sat up against the headboard and pulled Wonwoo towards his body, letting his boyfriend lay against him, his body incredibly limp against Mingyu's.

"I hit him around the head and got away." Wonwoo concluded, feeling arms wrap around his waist.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Mingyu asked, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's neck, making him shiver.

It reminded him of where the man kissed him, all the good memories of their love being overdriven by the sick intentions of an old man.

"I would never have let him near you." Mingyu muttered, nuzzling his nose against Wonwoo's cheek.

"You liked him." Wonwoo mumbled, a tear leaving his eye. "Is your mum alright?" He asked, gripping Mingyu's hand tighter. "Is she upset?"

"She's fine, she's taken Chan out to go to the cinema." Mingyu nodded, checking his phone.

"She's home now." He announced, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's head as the door opened.

"Hello... Wonwoo you're awake!" Mingyu's mum walked through with a grin on her face, although it was obvious that she had been crying.

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked, putting her hand on Wonwoo's forehead, being aware of his cut.

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo spoke up, tears spilling from his eyes as Mingyu's mum shushed him.

"No, you're not sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for." She smiled, wiping the tears away from his face.

"He's gone now, that's all I could ask for. Hated him anyway, he was beginning to get boring." Mingyu's mum laughed, sending a wink to them both, pressing kisses to both of their heads.

"Ew mum." Mingyu cringed, shaking his head as she laughed at his reaction.

"You both get some sleep." His mum pointed in warning before walking out the door.

"I won't ever let this happen to you again. If it does, I'll make sure they regret it with their life." Mingyu said, his threat sounding empty but strong.

"Sure you will." Wonwoo smiled, although more pressure had been brought upon his breaking back, Mingyu eased the pain and held them for him.

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