Part 12

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'When we go through this tunnel'

Stepping forward, Wonwoo let himself be seen by his parents. His face had fallen and sunken once again- just as it usually was.

Glancing towards the clock it was late at night meaning his father was a little tipsy.

His father was always drunk towards the end of the night. Having enough of his wife and drinking the night away so he could control himself.

"Where the fuck were you? You and Chan were out all day!" His father shouted, Wonwoo's head dropping down as he shuffled his feet against the wood floor that was picking off slightly.

"Are you going to answer him?" His mother got involved, groaning internally, he lifted his head and began to explain a total lie.

"I took him to his friend's house." He announced, grimacing as his parents didn't seem at all pleased or convinced.

"Oh yeah, so why was I being annoyed by Chan's school saying that he wasn't in?" His mother enquired, tapping his cheek as she pushed the phone forward.

"Huh, Wonwoo you got nothing to say to explain this shit. I don't like being interrupted when I'm cleaning your shit." His mother snapped, making Wonwoo flinch uncomfortably.

He knew he forgot something, he just didn't know the school would be calling his mother all day.

Wonwoo stayed frozen at the door and didn't say anything, knowing if he told the truth, they would only get angrier.

"Wonwoo, answer her for the love of God." His father spat, placing down another drink that he had just chugged, it was full to the brim with strong alcohol but now there was nothing.

"He's not going to say anything, he's too fucking scared. Coward." His mother sneered, slamming her hand to the table.

Wonwoo bit his lip, he couldn't help but agree with the statement- he was a coward. He could never stand up to his parents, only when it came to Chan.

"Now tell me you little shit, where did you go today?" His mother asked, his voice becoming more gravely as she practically growled.

Wonwoo shook his head, his legs shaking with fear as he saw her get up. Storming over, his mother got into his face, making him cornered into the wall.

"Why can't you fucking reply to me you fucker. Tell me where you've been." His mother screamed, tears falling from Wonwoo's eyes as his breathing became thin with distress.

He felt sick, his mothers spit was on his face and he couldn't wipe it away, grimacing as he looked towards his father who watched, his face just as red and angry.

"Come away from him, he doesn't need to be infected by you, whore." His father growled, pulling his wife away from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo could finally breathe again and he almost sobbed, feeling grateful but soon was masked with pain.

Groaning, glass sliced through the skin on his face. His mother had thrown one of her infamous glass ornaments at the wall close by him.

Crying out, Wonwoo almost dropped to the floor. This pain was unexpected and he was shocked. Never had he been injured by his own mother, explicitly.

"Look what you've done now you psycho bitch. He's bleeding." His father complained, stopping his wife from throwing one directly at Wonwoo like she would to him.

"I'm not crazy you lying bastard, the little shit deserved it!" His mother shouted, Wonwoo jumping in fear, blood dripping down his cheek.

He was lucky that none of the glass got into his eyes, his glasses were partially safe.

Finally walking away in tears Wonwoo walked to his room and walked inside. Chan was still awake.

Grimacing he turned his back away from Chan who stared cluelessly with the massive earphones on his ears.

He grabbed the first aid kit and walked straight to the bathroom, not taking another glance at Chan and making sure to hide his face from his younger brother.

Sitting in front of the mirror he inspected his injuries. Glass stuck out from his skin in horrid places, most likely to leave scars dotted around his cheeks and forehead.

Using the tweezers he had brought for this specific occasion, he began to pull out all the small pieces of glass, crying out when it was edged far into his skin, leaving blood all over the glass, the worktop, his fingers and his cheek.

Finally all of the glass was out and he chucked it safely in the bin, sighing he began to wash his face, the pain stinging badly as he rubbed soap to get off the small crystals of glass- a painful facial scrub.

He put plasters on the places that were flared up and bleeding heavily before returning to Chan who still sat up, waiting for his brother, Snow Bear's Wife sitting in his arms, pressed up against his stomach as he cuddled the bear.

He saw the plasters and paleness on his brother's face and took off his earphones.

"Are you okay?" Chan asked, a pout forming on his face, tears forming in his own eyes.

Widening his eyes, Wonwoo almost panicked and sat with Chan on his bed, pulling the other into his arms.

"I'm fine Chan, nothing to worry about." Wonwoo announced, kissing his brother's head.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Chan asked, playing with Snow Bear's Wife as his brother changed into his own pyjamas.

"Of course, but if you fall off that's your own fault, not mine." Wonwoo joked, getting into bed and lifting the covers as Chan slivered in.

"I'll just push you off." Chan giggled, wrapping his arms around Wonwoo and shoving his face into the other's chest, closing his eyes as he felt the body heat from Wonwoo.

Kissing his head once more, Wonwoo was able to drift off easily.

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