Part 17

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'Run away, run away, run away with me'

Wonwoo felt safe in Mingyu's arms, he wanted the feeling to go away, he knew he wanted to be with him till life's end.

"What do you want to do in the future?" Wonwoo asked, picking his head up off of Mingyu's chest so he could look up at his boyfriend easily.

"Oh, tough question, I don't really know if I'm honest." Mingyu hummed, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to think about jobs.

"Maybe an architect or some shit like that." He laughed, the action causing Wonwoo to move along with the laughs on his chest, a small smile erupting on his own lips.

"How about you?" Mingyu asked, poking Wonwoo in the rib, making him cry out.

"Ah! I was thinking of English Literature, anything to do with that." Wonwoo answered, a little grin spreading on his face.

"Yes of course, I wouldn't expect any different." Mingyu teased, rolling his eyes before moaning.

"Ow!" He cried, a small pain in his chest as Wonwoo slapped him. "You read all the time, I'm starting to think that you love books more than me. It's like I'm not there when we go to the library." Mingyu pouted.

"Oh! And also, what did that girl want?" Wonwoo asked, rolling his eyes before changing the conversation, putting his face into Mingyu's chest once again.

"What girl?" Mingyu asked, confused, his head tilting at Wonwoo before he realised who they were on about.

"Oh her? Well she confessed to me, but I said no, she was a little mad about it." Mingyu smiles, Wonwoo looking back at him shaking his head.

Holding the back of Wonwoo's head, he brought him towards himself before he placed a small kiss on Wonwoo's lips, savouring it.

Snuggling back into Mingyu, Wonwoo let his eyes drop and finally fell asleep, he was worn out from all the crying and emotions that had occurred earlier that day.

"Wonwoo, babe. Wake up." A voice cooed in his ear, breaking out of his sleep he pushed Mingyu away from his ear before he shot up in panic.

"Shit, Chan!" Wonwoo cried, taking a glance at his phone before running down the stairs to his shoes.

"Thank you for bringing me here, I loved it. Bye." Wonwoo called out to Mingyu who was still walking down the stairs confused. Waving, he watched Wonwoo run out of the door.

Wonwoo had barely made it home, he carefully climbed up to the window and peered inside. His heart dropped when he saw Chan crying, his clothes slightly ruffed up.

"Chan, shit. What happened?" Wonwoo asked, his voice surprising his brother. He threw himself into the room and sat beside Chan who covered his face.

"They had a fight over me." Chan cried, opening his arms, letting Wonwoo hug him.

"They shout so loud." Chan whimpered, his face now squashed into Wonwoo's chest.

"Just ignore them Chan, I promise that it won't happen again. We'll be out of here soon, I just need more time and I'll take us far away." Wonwoo pouted, tears collecting in his eyes.

"Come on, I've brought us dinner." Wonwoo announced, wiping the tears from Chan's rosy face before opening his bag.

"Get Mrs Snow Bear and we'll watch a movie together." Wonwoo ordered, opening the packaging carefully so nothing spilled over.

"Okay Dad." Chan smiled, hoping that Wonwoo hadn't noticed his slip up, but Chan's eyes were wide and he blushed in embarrassment.

Wonwoo stared at his younger brother, his heart breaking as he sat frozen. Tears collected once again and he could help but let one fall.

He swiped it off quickly and pulled Chan close towards him, passing over his food before setting up a movie on his phone.

Soon enough Chan was fast asleep, the food had long been eaten and the packages it came in sat in the bin. Wonwoo almost fell asleep when a few crashes came from outside the door.

He peered his head up in confusion and slowly got out the bed, trying to not wake Chan up in the process.

He placed the cheap headphones on his brother's head, playing soft music that would keep him asleep before going to lock the door.

The bangs got louder on the outside, before all the noise had stopped, pausing with hesitance, he opened the door grimacing at the sight he was seeing.

His mother was pressed up against the bathroom door whilst his father kissed her fiercely. Their legs were intertwined and a few pieces of clothing were missing.

Shaking his head, Wonwoo closed the door and locked it, he slithered back into bed and pulled Chan close, pecking his head before closing his eyes tightly.

He needed to sleep soon so he didn't have to hear anything, and eventually he fell into a deep sleep.

Run Away - MINWONWhere stories live. Discover now