Part 22

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'If you and I are together, we run across the sky'

Once Wonwoo had put Chan to sleep, he slipped away and walked down to his mother, who was still positioned on the floor, glass around her.

"Where is my money?" He questioned, his voice sharp with venom laced with it.

He needed it back, no way he would be able to pay for Chan's clothes, they were all too expensive without his extra money.

"Your father took it obviously. He was selfish enough to rob his son." His mother grinned, laughing at nothing, or maybe her son who was crying in front of her.

"Do you know where he went?" He asked, his hands in tight fists beside his body.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Wonwoo cried to himself before running out of the house completely.

It was dark and cold, and he was practically wearing his pyjamas.

He ran to Mingyu's house, hoping the exercise would make him warm again, but it only made him colder with the strong air blowing in his face.

Knocking on his door, he waited. He tried to wipe the tears off of his face but more kept falling down his face, he kept sniffling excessively, the nose filling the silence.

The door soon opened and Wonwoo was met with the face of an older woman.

"Honey, are you okay?" The woman questioned, Wonwoo paused and nodded, trying to figure out who she was.

"I'm here to see Mingyu." Wonwoo announced before the said person got to the door.

"Mingyu!" The woman called into the house, moving aside to let her son walk through.

"Wonwoo, what are you doing here?" Mingyu asked, his eyebrows furrowing with concern as he saw the tears still streaming down Wonwoo's face.

Mingyu pulled Wonwoo into a hug, kissing his head tenderly, his boyfriend was freezing cold, shivering in his embrace.

"Come inside, I'll take you to my room." Mingyu announced, nodding his head to his mother as he began walking Wonwoo to his room.

Closing the door to his room, Mingyu wrapped his arms around Wonwoo, holding him and rubbing his back, trying to warm him up.

Kissing his forehead, he wiped away the cold tears that rested on Wonwoo's cheeks.

However, Wonwoo's tears didn't falter and he ended up just crushing his body into Mingyu's, holding him close, for heat and comfort.

"What's wrong?" Mingyu asked, his voice soft as he pulled Wonwoo to his bed, getting Wonwoo to slip under the covers.

"Everything. I've never actually told you anything about my life, I was too scared." Wonwoo began looking down because he didn't want to look at Mingyu in case he judged him for his bad home life.

"Tell me then." Mingyu replied, lifting Wonwoo's head, getting him to continue.

"You don't have to be scared, I will listen to anything you say." He added, looking deeply into Wonwoo's eyes.

"I have an unstable mother, who I recently found out was pregnant, but she's already decided to drink the baby away. My dad and her would fight every night, throwing glass and random objects." Wonwoo began, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Sometimes they would drag me and Chan into their petty fights. My mum slapped me the other night, one time she threw glass at the wall and most of the glass hit me." Wonwoo confessed, picking up his sleeve to show little scars of cuts that were caused by the glass.

"My dad left today, he took all of my money that I earned from working with him- all the money that I needed to pay for Chan and just our basic necessities." Wonwoo shakingly choked up, Mingyu was sat frozen, listening carefully to everything that Wonwoo had said.

"I don't know what to do because now I need to buy Chan a new expensive uniform. My job, I get underpaid and they always treat me like shit, why can't anything go right for me?" Wonwoo cried, his voice breaking as he caved in his walls.

Mingyu sniffled slightly before pulling Wonwoo in, hugging him like his life depended on it.

"I'm sorry." Mingyu muttered, kissing Wonwoo's head as he sobbed.

"I'm so sorry." He comforted, and began rocking his and Wonwoo's bodies, making sure that Wonwoo was sitting comfortably.

He rocked their bodies until he could only hear sniffles coming from Wonwoo, no more sobs and whimpers of mental pain.

He laid Wonwoo down properly, his boyfriend was asleep, tears stained onto his cheeks.

Kissing his lips tenderly, Mingyu laid beside him, biting his lip.

He had no idea, and all the signs were there. He should've helped sooner, get him out of that house, Chan also didn't deserve it.

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