Part 14

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'Our dreams become reality'

"Wonwoo do you want to go out tonight or do you have work?" Mingyu asked, as they walked out of art, hands intertwined.

"I can go out, I just need to get food for Chan." Wonwoo replied, feeling Mingyu's hand squeeze tighter to his.

"Great." Mingyu grinned, feeling overjoyed as he started to skip, dragging poor Wonwoo along with him as Mingyu skipped.

Mingyu led them to a shop, he had stopped slipping but was teasing Wonwoo by running every so often making Wonwoo groan as he didn't want to run.

"Just get something for Chan, I'm taking you out to get food." Mingyu smiled, kissing Wonwoo on the cheek as the other glanced around the food aisle.

"I'll pay for it." Mingyu announced, watching as Wonwoo picked up a few pieces for his brother.

Taking it to his brother, Wonwoo missed his brothers head, telling him the usual instructions and by demand, kissed Mrs Snow Bear on the head too.

Chan giggled as Wonwoo left and he dropped down to the ground, his eyes creased in amusement, but still he couldn't bring himself to smile.

He ran back to Mingyu and stood beside him, but was instantly swept off his feet.

With a shriek, his was hauled over Mingyu's shoulder, holding on tightly to Mingyu's waist he legs kicked slightly.

"Put me down!" Wonwoo shouted, hearing Mingyu's giggles of terror. "Let me down!" Wonwoo cried again, his gaze right down towards the floor.

"Never!" Mingyu screamed, before he started running, Wonwoo screamed as he began slipping.

Mingyu soon stopped and put Wonwoo down, laughing as he saw the red face of Wonwoo.

"Your face." Mingyu pointed, laughing hard as Wonwoo began slapping his arms.

"You're horrible." Wonwoo pouted, feeling dizzy as he continued to 'slap' Mingyu.

"I'm sorry!" Mingyu cried, pulling Wonwoo into a hug Wonwoo finally stopping his strikes. He wrapped his arms around Wonwoo's waist and tucked his head into the other's neck.

"Let's get going then." Wonwoo blushed, loving the warmth he got from Mingyu's body against his. Nodding Mingyu pulled away from Wonwoo and led him to their destination.

Glancing around worriedly, he saw that they were in a more fancy area, and here he was dressed in scruffy clothes he had been wearing all day.

Mingyu led him inside one of the restaurants, the tables were shiny and clean, set up with cutlery, the total opposite of where he worked.

"Booked for Kim Mingyu." Mingyu smiled at the waitress, Wonwoo's head snapped up in curiosity, wondering when Mingyu had the time to reserve a table in a fancy restaurant for the two of them.

They were led to their table and immediately Wonwoo felt out of place, cringing as someone in a black suit glanced at him, looking at his outfit.

"I quickly booked a table whilst you took Chan his food, I thought I'd take you out." Mingyu announced, biting his lip as he stared at Wonwoo's blank face, he could only tell by his eyes when he had a new emotion, but he couldn't tell.

"It's nice, I like it." Wonwoo announced, glancing down in embarrassment as Mingyu stared into his eyes longingly.

After ordering their food, they were waiting, no conversation had been sparked yet and Wonwoo began to feel awkward.

"Tell me about yourself, I want to know more." Mingyu started, leaning forward on the table to rest his chin on his hand.

"Me?" Wonwoo choked, his eyes becoming wide, he had no idea what to say.

"Yeah, I feel like I've told you everything about me, so I want to know about you." Mingyu grinned, his eyebrows going up slightly.

"Well, when I was 12, I would take my brother to the cinema, even though he was two and we would watch movies together. Never cried once, or fell asleep, well except one time but he had been at daycare all day." Wonwoo reminisced.

"We still watch movies together, on my phone this time, we'd eat and watch it unless I have work." Wonwoo added, Mingyu listening with tears in his eyes.

"That's really cute." Mingyu smiled, trying to not let it be known that he got emotional. Wonwoo nodded and sighed trying to think of anything else he could say.

"I have nothing else to say." He announced, Mingyu pouting as Wonwoo leaned back, finished with his 'life story'.

"When's your birthday?" Mingyu asked, deciding he'll just ask the questions he had found on a website, which was 'top 10 questions you should ask on a date'.

"17 July, you?"
"6 April."

Mingyu sighed internally, he needed more prompts and he had already forgotten the others- shit.

Luckily he was saved by the waitress that brought over their food. Politely saying thank-you, they dug in, the conversation steadily flowing as they ate.

They finished and Mingyu paid for both of their meals, hearing the occasional complaint from Wonwoo to stop 'paying for his food', but he only laughed and carried on.

Taking off his coat, he lended it to Wonwoo who was shivering in the thin jumper he was wearing, the sky was dark and the lampposts were blazing.

Mingyu walked Wonwoo all the way home, their hands intertwined, the both of them never wanting this time to end.

Wonwoo began to let go of Mingyu's hand but the other's hand only tightened around his.

"Wonwoo, I know this isn't really romantic, but will you be my boyfriend?" Mingyu asked, stepping down to one knee, letting it get wet in the puddle he unfortunately placed his knee in.

Pausing Wonwoo just stared at Mingyu, waiting for a sign that he was joking, but noted that he wasn't getting any.

Breathing shakily, Wonwoo nodded. His body was shaking as Mingyu pulled him into a hug, he soon forgot about the cold and hugged Mingyu tight.

A tear slipped from his eye, dropping carefully down his cheek until it was swiped away by Mingyu who kissed his cheek.

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