Part 2

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'It hurts more when I smile than when I cry'

Wonwoo woke up startled when he heard something crash against his door. Moaning he woke his brother up tapping him softly on the shoulder.

He got his shoes on and walked through the pieces of glass that surrounded the hallway and made it to the bathroom.

He filled up a jug and put toothpaste on the brushes before returning to his brother.

"There's glass all over the floor, I'll help you get out through the window." Wonwoo announced, taking off the shoes that were stabbed with glass and putting them down carefully to not get anymore glass into their bedroom.

He grabbed his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth, Chan about finished and rinsed his in the jug and put it on the table.

Once Wonwoo was finished he got the jug back in the bathroom, grimacing as a piece of glass was poking into his foot.

Once they were finished he grabbed his jar of money and brought out a few notes that would hopefully last the next week before stashing it away, so no one would find it.

He then proceeded to help his brother down from the window and jumped down from the small platform before reaching out to Chan who waited on the edge.

Finally they set off for school and do their daily stop at the corner shop.

"Have a nice day, hopefully mum will have cleaned up before you get home, if not just dust your shoes out the window." Wonwoo waved, parting ways with Chan.

Finally making it to school he kept his earphones in, not wanting any interaction with the real world he was suffering in.

He turned towards his locker and felt an arm slide against his.

"Sorry." The voice apologised, getting books out of their own locker. Looking at where the voice came from, Wonwoo paused and gazed at the face the voice came from.

He was beautiful, the confession made Wonwoo blush and separate himself from the tall man beside him.

"It's alright." Wonwoo murmured, closing his locker and running away. His heart raced every time he took a step away from him.

Walking into class he got in with his work and continued to ignore everyone.

Lunch rolled around quickly and Wonwoo sat down at lunch, still patiently waiting for Jun to show up any time soon.

"Can I sit with you?" A voice interrupted, jolting Wonwoo out of his imagination. Lifting his head up he saw the guy he had run away from earlier.

"Yeah, sure." Wonwoo mumbled, watching the guy grin and sit down opposite him.

"My name is Mingyu." The man said, holding a hand out for Wonwoo to shake, but when Wonwoo just stared at it he pulled his own back giggling.

"Wonwoo." He announced, watching as Mingyu brought out his bag and chucked a sandwich and apple in front of him.

"I'm guessing you're in my year since you're in the same Maths class as me." Mingyu smiled, opening up his package of sandwiches.

"How have you been coping with Maths because honestly I hate it." Mingyu asked, trying to keep a conversation going with Wonwoo.

"I think I'm doing alright, I guess I'll see in our next assessment." Wonwoo blushed, ducking his head so it wasn't noticed that his cheeks were red.

"Are you going to eat anything?" Mingyu questioned, nodding towards the empty table in front of Wonwoo.

Mingyu had felt selfish for eating in front of Wonwoo who wasn't eating anything.

"Would you like a sandwich?" Mingyu offered, pushing it out in front of Wonwoo, who politely declined. Pushing it back towards Mingyu.

"No take it, I don't mind." Mingyu responded, pushing it back to Wonwoo who still declined the offer of the sandwich.

"It's fine Mingyu, I'm not hungry." Wonwoo admitted, he had learnt to not be hungry at lunch since he's never really had food in the day.

He spent his money on Chan's lunch, he couldn't afford to be getting himself lunch. Anyways he'll eat after school with Chan.

Mingyu nodded with a pout and took back his sandwich, eating it quickly.

"So Wonwoo, what else did you choose to do here?" Mingyu asked, leaning away to throw his rubbish in the bin.

"I chose Maths, Psychology, Art and English Literature." Wonwoo told him, watching as Mingyu took a moment to process his words.

"So you like to read?" Mingyu finally asked. "You do English Literature so I'm assuming here." Mingyu added.

"I guess, when I have time to. I haven't read anything in a while." Wonwoo admitted. He used to love reading books but when he got a job and needed to look after Chan he didn't have any time to.

"Oh, that's a shame. But fortunately we have art together, should we get going?" Mingyu announced, collecting his bag and swinging it around on his shoulder.

Nodding Wonwoo got up and gathered his bag following Mingyu out of the canteen, catching up with the giant's long steps.

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