Part 34

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'The forbidden games and this magic hour'

The hand was still on Wonwoo's knee when Mingyu lifted up his right hand, taking his drink as he shovelled food into his mouth.

Wonwoo watched him take a sip before widening his eyes. With a panic, Wonwoo pulled his knees away from the hand, his knees banging on the table.

Grimacing in pain he stared in shock towards the weird man who had a grin on his face and took out his other hand from under the table.

"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked, looking down towards Wonwoo and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a side hug, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"I'm fine, sorry. I thought there was a spider in my leg." Wonwoo lied, glaring at the 'spider'.

He continued to eat and held Mingyu's hand tightly. How could he have not noticed the angle the hand was at, and how small it was?

Mingyu glanced at him in concern and rubbed his knee as their hands intertwined.

Warm water ran down Wonwoo's back making him sigh in relief.

He loved having showers, it meant he was able to ignore everyone until he had to get out. And this time he was allowed to have hot water.

He used to only have cold showers in the other house, as the water would run out of hot water, so he let Chan have hot showers and he would have it cold.

He ran shower gel down his body and began washing his body, not realising that the door had opened, someone walking in silently.

As he finished rinsing himself off under the water a body slipped in behind him, wrapping their arms around his waist.

Wonwoo jolted in surprise, holding his breath before he turned to the intruder to see Mingyu smiling down at him before pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Mingyu, you scared me." Wonwoo pouted, swapping places as Mingyu got himself wet under the shower head.

"Next time knock." Wonwoo continued to claim before he was brought towards Mingyu.

He felt something hard on his back making him shrivel forwards, feeling timid.

"No, I'm all bothered now." Mingyu whined, pulling Wonwoo back and attaching his lips to Wonwoo's neck. Leaning his head back, Wonwoo moaned quietly.

"See." Mingyu sighed, tapping his hard cock against Wonwoo's back, biting his lips as he moaned.

Mingyu slid his hand down Wonwoo's wet body and tweaked at his nipples, Wonwoo reacting very sensitively, his chest pushing out as he arched his back.

Soon enough, his hand was slowly jerking Wonwoo off. Water running down his back and down his arm.

After leaving a few marks he lightly pushed Wonwoo down. Getting him on his knees.

Wonwoo kneeled in front of Mingyu, opening his mouth with hesitance.

Mingyu brought his dick closer to Wonwoo's face and guided it into his mouth, groaning when his tongue ran over his tip.

"Fuck, Wonwoo you're so good." Mingyu gasped, one hand on Wonwoo's head, whilst he bit the other- trying to not let out his loud moans.

Wonwoo bobbed his head on Mingyu's dick, trying to go as far along the length as possible, letting himself choke slightly on the long cock.

Before Mingyu could come, he pulled away and pulled Wonwoo up, kneeling down himself, letting his lips go around Wonwoo's dick.

Wonwoo moaned loudly, his hands getting tangled into Mingyu's hair.

Mingyu didn't have much of a problem with choking, Wonwoo wasn't as big as him but he was still quite long.

"M-Mingyu, I'm going to come." Wonwoo cried, coming down Mingyu's throat.

Mingyu took it all and ended up swallowing all of it, pulling away.

"Do you want to do this standing or kneeling?" Mingyu asked, getting on his feet once again.

"Standing." Wonwoo muttered, his cheeks flaring up with embarrassment.

"You'll be fine." Mingyu told him, swapping their positions and pushing Wonwoo against the wall.

Water ran down Wonwoo's back and Mingyu used it to lubricate himself.

"Are you ready?" Mingyu asked, pushing a few fingers in to stretch his boyfriend out.

Wonwoo moaned and nodded, his chest pressed up against the shower wall.

Not long after, Mingyu's large tip slipped into Wonwoo's hole making both of them groan in pleasure.

As Mingyu began to bottom out, he wrapped his hand around Wonwoo's mouth.

"We should be quiet." He muttered into Wonwoo's ear, kissing his neck.

He began thrusting into Wonwoo at a slow pace, increasing every time Wonwoo would push his hips out, wanting more.

"Mmh, just because we should, doesn't mean we are." Wonwoo moaned into his boyfriend's hand, scrunching his eyes closed.

"Fuck, Wonwoo you always feel so good." Mingyu grunted, being as quiet as he could.

"You always make me feel so good." Mingyu concluded, Wonwoo letting out a louder moan at the praise.

"Such a good boy." Mingyu moaned, Wonwoo's moans getting louder against Mingyu's hand.

Mingyu's moans soon began becoming higher in tone and were more frequent, letting Wonwoo know he was going to come.

Feeling close to himself, Wonwoo began to push his hips out more, ready to come.

Breathing heavily, he came all over the shower wall, Mingyu coming not long after him.

"Shit." He hissed, coming inside of Wonwoo once again.

"I love you." Mingyu announced, pressing kisses over Wonwoo's shoulder and back before pulling out.

"We should hurry and wash up." Wonwoo told him, his voice hoarse.

When the two finally got out, they blow dried each other's hair, sharing many kisses and dressing each other.

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