Part 39

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This part was iconic in the performance

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This part was iconic in the performance. Almost died.

'When we go through this tunnel'

When Wonwoo woke up, he could still feel all the anxiety circuiting through his own body.

He felt Mingyu's body pressed up behind him, laid together spooning, his slow breaths fanning over his exposed neck.

It almost soothed his nerves, but he had no idea whether this was just the calm before the storm.

If Mingyu was only feeling sorry for him and cuddled with him for that reason.

He still felt sick, maybe he had caught a bug, but there was so much blood that he coughed up as he threw up.

He never once used Mingyu. Why would he when Mingyu was all he had.

Wonwoo couldn't help but think about what life would have been like without Mingyu- how horrible it would have been.

"Are you awake?" Mingyu asked, his voice raspy as he began moving, Wonwoo's constant shaking had woken him up.

He swiped off his own shirt and grabbed Wonwoo's shoulder, moving him to lie on his back.

"Good morning." Mingyu smiled, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's lips.

"Do you feel better?" He questioned, running his hand across Wonwoo's forehead, checking his temperature.

"Do you want to go shower together, maybe you'll feel better." Mingyu suggested, his thumb smoothing over Wonwoo's cheek.

His boyfriend nodded and the two of them got in the shower.

They didn't do anything, they just stood in silence, letting the hot water hot them.

Mingyu would often hug or kiss Wonwoo, embracing him with intimacy. Wonwoo's legs shook and he sat on the floor, he felt too sick, too weak.

"Let's get out now. I'll dry your hair." Mingyu announced, pulling Wonwoo back up off the shower floor.

He dried his body as Wonwoo sat on the toilet seat with a towel wrapped around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"Do you want to get changed first or should I just go ahead?" He enquired, now in some comfortable clothes, plugging the hairdryer in the plug socket.

"Hair." Wonwoo muttered before feeling hot air blaze down on his head. Shivering, he leaned back into Mingyu and let his hair dry.

It was nice.

Mingyu continued to do his own hair and lended Wonwoo his clothes to wear.

Wonwoo lazily pulled them all on and laid back down in bed, his eyes drooping again as he almost fell asleep.

"Wonwoo, no sleeping." Mingyu warned, picking Wonwoo back up again.

"I need to get your bandages on you." He announced making Wonwoo groan in protest.

Wonwoo sat tightly as Mingyu put plasters and bandages on his scratched up arms.

Every time he would wince when the bandages were too tight.

"You're not going back to school until I do." Mingyu declared, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's arms and cheek.

"I'm not letting you out of my sight, ever." He added, pressing a final kiss to Wonwoo's lips. "I love you."

Wonwoo nodded and obeyed, wrapping his arms around Mingyu and pulling him in for a hug, shoving his face into his boyfriend's chest.

"Do you want anything like an ice pack? Hot water bottle? That'll make you feel better?" Mingyu questioned, feeling Wonwoo's head shake on his chest.

"Is there anything you want to do?" Mingyu continued asking, kissing Wonwoo's head before being pulled down by Wonwoo into bed.

"Sleep." Wonwoo concluded, closing his eyes but they were quickly opened again by Mingyu.

"No, you can sleep later, not now." Mingyu pouted, just taking Wonwoo and picking him up.

"Let's eat breakfast shall we?" Mingyu grinned, holding Wonwoo as if he was a damsel in distress.

Wonwoo held on with a moan and stuffed his face in Mingyu's neck, his legs hitting the walls on the way down, he was still slowly falling asleep.

"Oh, sorry." Mingyu laughed as Wonwoo's legs fully whacked the door.

"At least you opened it for me." He continued to giggle, rocking Wonwoo like a baby.

"Shut up." Wonwoo grunted, glaring up at Mingyu.

They got into the kitchen and saw Mingyu's mum standing there with Chan making crepes.

"Ooh, you're making fancy pancakes." Mingyu nodded, putting Wonwoo down unexpectedly, making Wonwoo drop to his feet.

But because of his lack of energy he only crumbled towards the floor, groaning as his legs gave out.

"No Mingyu, hold me please." Wonwoo whined, holding his arms out as he couldn't get up.

Mingyu cooed and brought Wonwoo back up into his arms in a backwards piggyback ride.

Wonwoo's arms wrapped around Mingyu's neck and he snuggled his head on Mingyu's shoulder, still continuing to feel sleepy.

"Is everything alright now?" Mingyu mum asked, turning around to glare at her son.

"Everything is fine." Mingyu nodded, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's lips before tapping his head awake as he noticed he was still dropping off.

"Wonwoo isn't feeling very well." Mingyu announced, lifting Wonwoo up a bit before he fell completely from his arms.

"Oh no poor baby." Mingyu's mum tutted, turning so she could see Wonwoo, he checked his sweaty head and went to the freezer to take out an ice pack, holding it up to Wonwoo's head.

Wonwoo sighed in relief and took the ice pack, keeping it on his head.

"Let him sleep Mingyu, he's not going to want to eat now, I'll put some in the fridge for him to eat later. He's not going to get better without sleeping." Mingyu's mum ordered, pressing a peck to Wonwoo's head, before she hit Mingyu on the back of the head.

"Alright." Mingyu pouted, returning to his room to tuck Wonwoo in.

"Get better baby." He smiled before rushing out to eat the crepes.

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