Part 15

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Wonwoo is so beautiful

'Be my forever'

Mingyu waited patiently at the entrance of the school, his head whipping around as he looked for Wonwoo in the crowd.

He bobbed on his feet and tapped his fingers against his legs.

Finally noticing his boyfriend he grinned and ran up to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"Still wearing my coat?" Mingyu asked, a smile slapped smugly on his face.

Wonwoo blushed and nodded, he hadn't parted with it when he got home last night, he used it as an extra blanket for himself, as it was long and cozy.

"Keep it." Mingyu announced, pulling Wonwoo in front of him and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist, putting his head on Wonwoo's shoulder.

"What? Really?" Wonwoo panicked, there was no way this was a cheap coat, he didn't want to just steal it from him just because it was warm.

"Yeah, I like seeing you wear it." Mingyu chuckled to himself, before he received a kiss to his cheek, the quick moment left him blushing for minutes after.

Rubbing his cheek he kissed Wonwoo back on the cheek and pinched it as they got their lockers.

"We've got art first, so I'll lead the way." Mingyu announced, bowing down with his hand out for Wonwoo to take- luckily for Mingyu he wasn't left hanging and a hand was placed in his and intertwined.

Mingyu's friends sat with them once again at lunch. They were all cringing as Mingyu practically fed Wonwoo the lunch he had brought him.

"Stop feeding me, I'm not a baby." Wonwoo moaned, a piece of bread tapping his lips and he shyly opened his mouth accepting the bread.

"Oh my God, did you two get married last night? It's annoying." Minghao questioned, placing his food down as he didn't have much of an appetite anymore.

"Wonwoo is my boyfriend." Mingyu grinned, still continuing to feed Wonwoo pieces of bread. The small group sitting opposite them had their jaws to the ground.

"Why?!" Seokmin cried, but was soon quietened when Mingyu glared at him. "I mean congrats." Seokmin mocked, faking a smile at Wonwoo.

"Mingyu, can I talk to you?" A voice interrupted. Turning around, Mingyu and Wonwoo looked at a girl who stood there, her arms wrapped around herself as she shyly spoke.

"Oh, uh, sure." Mingyu agreed, he got up and landed a peck on Wonwoo's head before following the girl out of the canteen.

Wonwoo's eyes followed them as they walked out and he was left confused.

He wondered what the girl wanted, but it was probably something that was art. Wonwoo knew her as she sat beside Mingyu and was a target of his critical analysis.

He could hear the whistles of Mingyu's mates but they got a flip of the bird from the giant as he turned the corner.

"So Wonwoo, do you have any money or do you always just leech off of Mingyu?" Seokmin started, the sharp tone of his voice catching Wonwoo off guard.

Sweat started forming on his forehead as he was about to be interrogated.

"No, he doesn't let me pay. I tried to pay him back but he wouldn't let me." Wonwoo answered, trying hard to not stutter in front of them.

"It's not hard to pay for something, I see you're wearing his coat now. Did you steal it?" Minghao added, gesturing to the coat that sat on Wonwoo's shoulders.

"No, he gave it to me. It's cold." Wonwoo replied, he could feel legs shake as the atmosphere became unbearable.

"That's because all your clothes have holes in them, right? Cause you're poor?" Seungkwan intervened, grinning as his friends nodded around him.

"I'm not poor-."

"Oh, we won't tell, you can be honest with us and tell us. That's why you're using Mingyu isn't it? Because you're practically on the streets." Jihoon began, joining the conversation, cutting Wonwoo off.

"Yeah, maybe you should go back to the streets, I'm sure someone will pick you up." Seokmin giggled, Wonwoo was taken aback. He felt insulted, Seokmin had called him a whore.

"Surely you should be richer if you're getting picked up by all those men." Minghao added, laughing along with the other three. "Do they steal your money once they're done?"

"I don't live on the streets. And I'm not poor." Wonwoo spat, his face becoming red as he felt tears spring in his eyes.

"Well your busted up face says otherwise, I'm surprised Mingyu is with you, you look like an old hag." Seokmin finished, his face showing that he was feeling pleased with himself.

Wonwoo felt a tear slide down his face before he gathered his stuff and ran out of the canteen. Hanging his head low he began walking to Maths, quietly sobbing.

He wondered if Mingyu saw him in this disgusting way, thinking to himself that he was just a pity act to Mingyu.

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