Part 18

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I-Is this real?

'At the end of the world forever together'

Wonwoo was waiting at the front of the school for Mingyu, he would glance often between his phone and the crowd. It was almost time for class and Mingyu hadn't shown up.

"Sorry I'm late!" Mingyu heaved, running up and taking deep breaths.

"I got up late and ran all the way here, I think I'm about to faint." Mingyu dramatised, holding out for nothing in particular.

Shaking his head, Wonwoo walked inside of the school and strolled to his locker, Mingyu stomping after him in exhaustion.

"If I fainted would you catch me?" Mingyu pouted, resting his head on Wonwoo's shoulder as the other took out a huge book for English.

"No." Wonwoo chuckled, patting Mingyu's head that lay on his shoulder.

"Mean." Mingyu grumbled, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's cheek before parting from his boyfriend.

"I love you, see you later!" Mingyu called out before he walked away to his first lesson. Wonwoo soon set off to get to his own lesson.

In English, he could hear Seokmin and his entourage talking about Mingyu.

"Hey Wonwoo, guess what." A voice whispered, catching him by surprise. He turned to see Minghao sat beside him, smiling towards Seokmin who sat further back.

"What do you want?" Wonwoo asked, not having the mental capacity to listen to their crap.

"Just like to warn you, but Mingyu has been talking to other people behind your back. I've got proof that you want to see it, but I wanted to tell you because I want you to go away." Minghao laughed, glancing towards the others, hearing their giggles too.

"You don't have any proof, Minghao, just leave me alone." Wonwoo snapped, ducking his head down once more.

"Oh really, we'll look at all these then. I got them all off of Mingyu's phone recently." Minghao showed off, shoving his phone into Wonwoo's face.

In confusion, Wonwoo looked through the messages between Mingyu and some other girl.

Some of the messages mocked Wonwoo in some type of way, the thought of his boyfriend even making fun of him made his heart hurt.

"See, what did I tell you, Mingyu is a liar and he's using you." Minghao added, feeling pleased as a tear rolled down Wonwoo's face. Putting the phone down, Wonwoo collected all his things, shoving them into his bag.

He leaves the classroom and school entirely, sobbing hard. He sat on a bench and held his head in his hands, crying out.

He didn't want to believe them, but it was all so real. He didn't want it to be real.

He swiped his nose with his sleeve before he began walking home once again, wanting to get there as quick as he could.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, but knowing who it was- he left it. Walking into the house he sees his mother sitting at the kitchen table, the house clean as ever.

Her head was down and he feared she had an overdose or died.

"Mum are you alright?" Wonwoo asked, creeping forward through the hallway catching his mothers attention.

She lifted her head and he saw her stained cheeks that still had tears dripping down them.

"I'm pregnant Wonwoo." His mother sobbed, leaning her head back down on the table. Wonwoo felt his emotions change suddenly.

"What the fuck?" Wonwoo asked, his voice becoming sharp as he glared at his mother. "Are you keeping it?" He asked, praying that she wouldn't.

"I don't know, I want to though." His mother smiled, Wonwoo cringed.

"You can't." Wonwoo stated, if she couldn't look after Chan, then she can't look after another baby.

"Why not?" His mother asked, her face scrunching up in confusion as her son continued to glare at her.

"Because once you've had the baby, you'll dump them on me." Wonwoo cried, that'll be another mouth to feed, he'd have to juggle work, school, a baby, Mingyu and Chan. It was all too much work.

"I wouldn't, I care for my children-."

"Just like you cared for Chan! When he wasn't even a day old you went out drinking leaving me to look after Chan when I was fucking 10." Wonwoo snapped, his harsh words causing his mother to cry.

"I did a lot for Chan." His mother countered, holding her hand to her chest as she continued to feel offended.

"No you didn't, I still buy Chan's uniform, his lunch, his basic necessities, you don't do shit! And if you have this baby, I'm going to have to pay for another mouth to feed." Wonwoo stressed, he was practically ripping the hair off his head as his mother continued to sob.

His problems with Mingyu were long overshadowed by his mothers revelation.

"Just fuck off Wonwoo, you ungrateful shit. How dare you ever talk to me like that." His mother snapped, standing up before landing a slap to Wonwoo's cheek.

Pausing in fright, he stared wide eyed at the floor. His head had stayed put and he could feel his skin burning.

Snapping out of it, he ran to his room and shut the door. Sighing he rubbed his sore cheek and opened his bag, finally settling to do his school work.

It helped take his mind off all the shit he had to endure, he must've got it from his mother.

Hours had gone by before there were a few knocks on the door. His mother must've answered it because he could hear her voice she put on when she communicated with the mailman.

"Wonwoo! Some man is here to see you!" His mother called up and Wonwoo snapped his head up- he knew it was Mingyu.

So he ran down the stairs and dragged Mingyu away from his house. He didn't want Mingyu seeing how much of a shithole he lived in.

"Where were you? Are you ill? Why weren't you replying to my messages, I was worried." Mingyu rambled, confused as to why his boyfriends eyes were red and that there was a blue hue forming on his cheek.

"Just leave it. Do you want to pick up Chan with me?" Wonwoo asked, changing the conversation as quickly as possible, he just wanted Mingyu away from his mother.

"Sure, but this conversation isn't over." Mingyu pointed at Wonwoo. When he found out Wonwoo had gone home, his heart wobbled everywhere, he was worried sick.

They continued to Chan's primary school and once Chan saw Mingyu he ran straight to him and hugged him.

"Mingyu!" He called out laughing as Mingyu began to poke and prod at him. Wonwoo watched happily, but his smile still hid away.

"I'll buy the two of you dinner yeah, how does that sound?" Mingyu grinned, pulling the two boys close to him as they began walking.

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