Part 25

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'Take me now to the magic named 'us''

"Wonwoo, tell me what's going on?" Mingyu asked, Wonwoo had now calmed down and was laying against Mingyu's shoulder, his body slumped on his boyfriends.

"My mum." Wonwoo began, running his eyes to the point that his eyes were getting too red, so Mingyu took his hand and held it down, smoothing his thumb against attempting to relax Wonwoo.

"She's gone too." Wonwoo sniffled, feeling a ton more stones land on his back.

What was he going to do? He now had to pay rent. He had to pay all of the bills along with Chan's uniform and both of their basic needs.

His job underpaid him and he didn't have a stable amount of money anymore.

He'd need to get another job and he might have to quit school altogether, only Chan's education matters now.

Wonwoo began panicking as he continued to think about all the stuff he needed to do and it was evident on his face.

Mingyu saw how Wonwoo's chest began to rise at an unsteady pace and how his hands were clenched on his lap.

"Babe, calm down." Mingyu warned, lifting up Wonwoo's head and planting a kiss on his cheek.

Nodding Wonwoo began looking around before slumping back towards Mingyu.

"I'm actually going to be homeless now." Wonwoo laughed bitterly. He pulled away from Mingyu and checked his bank.

He didn't have enough money to last him a month of living here.

"No you're not." Mingyu countered, shaking his head as he took Wonwoo's phone.

"Yeah I am, I don't have enough money to live here, I can't even afford Chan's stupid new uniform, how am I supposed to pay for this house?" Wonwoo asked, his voice laced with venom as his anger rose.

"No you're not, because you and Chan are going to live with me, my mum won't mind, two extra people in the house- she'll love it." Mingyu announced a small smile on his face but it faltered when Wonwoo glared at him.

"We can't Mingyu, that's intruding, I'll just find us somewhe-."

"No Wonwoo, you're living with me, that's final." Mingyu interrupted. He never wants to see Wonwoo on the street struggling, he'll never leave him on the street.

"Ask your mum first then, I know you only just thought of this on the spot." Wonwoo told him, making Mingyu pout.

"Fine, I'll ask." Mingyu agreed, raising his hands as he grabbed his phone, deciding whether to ask in person or not before the two went to Wonwoo's shared room.

"I'm going to ask them in person. I'll be back tomorrow. I love you." Mingyu announced, pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's cheek and patting Chan's head before leaving.

Almost running home, he walked through the door, calling for his mother.

"What is Mingyu?" She called out from the dining room. She was passing over a plate full of food to her husband- Mingyu's step father.

"Wonwoo is having problems at home and he and his brother don't have anywhere to live, can they live with us?" Mingyu asked, his gaze on his shuffling feet as he avoided his mothers eyes.

"They are homeless! O-Of course. His brother can have the guest room." Mingyu's mother announced, standing up so she could organise the guest room.

Grinning, Mingyu kissed her cheek and ate his own dinner. He couldn't wait to have Wonwoo with him, all day everyday. 

Wonwoo had Chan in his arms, they were both asleep when there were loud bangs knocking on the door from downstairs.

Putting headphones on his brother, he slipped away from his grasp and kissed his cheek, the knocks downstairs getting louder.

Slumping down the stairs he opened the door with a squint.

"Jeon Wonwoo?" One of them spoke up. Wonwoo began to realise the black uniform they were wearing and stood up straighter, he glanced at the face of the police officer with question.

"Yes, that's me, is there something wrong?" Wonwoo asked, cringing before letting the two police officer into the house.

"Did you notice that your mother was missing?" The police officer asked, a notepad out as he began to write down the questions he was going to ask and what Wonwoo was saying.

"I only found out around four-ish, when I got home from picking my brother up." Wonwoo answered, his eyes wide, this was about his mother?

"Well, we found her, she was laid on the highway street towards the city. She passed around midday." The police officer announced, Wonwoo froze and waited for someone to jump out and surprise him.

"We want to search this premise tomorrow morning. A police car will stay out just in case anything happens." The police officer announced before getting up and leaving.

Wonwoo heard the clock tick louder than before.

It was blinding all his senses. His mother was dead and the last time he had seen her was when she said that his father took his money.

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