Part 40

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'When we open our eyes'

"Wonwoo, wake up." A voice called out, pressing kisses against Wonwoo's lips every so often.

Groaning Wonwoo shook his head and tried to get Mingyu's lips on his, but he persisted and placed his lips on his boyfriend's.

"Stop." Wonwoo grumbled, pushing his boyfriend away.

Mingyu whined and pulled away, sitting up in bed.
"You're so mean, never let me kiss you." Mingyu pouted, crossing his arms as he sulked.

"Stop being dramatic." Wonwoo laughed, getting up and wrapping his arms around Mingyu, laying his head on his shoulder.

"I don't want to go today." Wonwoo complained, pressing a kiss to Mingyu's neck.

"Well I do, so let's get ready." Mingyu said, turning around to push Wonwoo into bed, getting on top of him.

Pressing a last kiss to his lips, he then separated from Wonwoo and got out of bed.

Wonwoo finally got over his illness not long after. He just slept all day and when he was disturbed from his sleep he would have to eat, Mingyu would kiss him awake.

However it wasn't much that he ate even though Mingyu kept trying to shovel food in his mouth.

Mingyu was finally going back to school that day, and once he was at the large doors of the entrance, he pulled Wonwoo through the hallways.

"Mingyu don't do anything stupid." Wonwoo warned, pulling Mingyu back to slow down the pace, the man was walking too fast for his legs to catch up.

"I can't promise that Wonwoo." Mingyu answered, sending a wink before looking back, his face stoic like it was at the front doors.

"Seokmin!" He called out, dropping Wonwoo's hand as he stepped forward towards them, his eyes fierce with hatred as he strolled over.

"Hey Mingyu. Dumped Wonwoo yet?" Seokmin asked with a laugh of pure delight, before a strong punch landed on his face.

Seungkwan who stood beside him let out a squeal and stepped away alerting everyone around him to look at the scene happening behind them.

It was completely unexpected, and Seokmin's three little minions ended up running away in panic, not wanting themselves to be beaten up too.

Wonwoo glanced around and cringed. Everyone was gathering around and Mingyu went in for another punch. Seokmin looked angrier than ever, slapping Mingyu himself.

"Mingyu stop!" Wonwoo called out, pulling on his boyfriend's arm but unfortunately, it ended up in him getting an elbow to the nose.

Stumbling back towards the floor, Wonwoo held his nose with a cry, blood instantly fell and covered his hands making him groan.

He couldn't do anything but watch as Seokmin got beat up by Mingyu.

"Mingyu stop it!" He shouted again, still Mingyu didn't hear him, he was deaf from anger and could only hear the cries from Seokmin who tried to fight back.

But because everyone gathered around was cheering, teachers soon were alerted and began to bump through the crowd witnessing the fight.

One large teacher pulled Mingyu off of Seokmin, dragging him away as Mingyu tried to fight him off.

Wonwoo was helped up off the floor by a teacher and was taken the same way as Mingyu as another one catered to Seokmin who still moaned in pain on the floor, his arms covering his face.

The school nurse inspected Wonwoo's nose and cleaned it, luckily for him, it wasn't broken.

He was then sent to the same small office that Mingyu currently sat in, rubbing his red cheek.

"Sorry for that huge commotion." Mingyu muttered, slyly pulling Wonwoo towards his lap.

"I'm sorry I got your nose, I wasn't thinking." Mingyu pouted, pressing his lips to Wonwoo's cheek.

"You know your mum is going to throttle you." Wonwoo announced, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You only just got off your suspension and now you're getting expelled, she'll have a field day." Wonwoo concluded, feeling as if he himself was lecturing Mingyu too.

"Oh well, I hate it here anyway." Mingyu tried to laugh, but there wasn't anything fun about being expelled.

"You know that whole spectacle was really embarrassing." Wonwoo commented before feeling himself being poked.

"Ah! Stop!" He cried, laughing as he felt ticklish.

"Stop, you gave me an injured nose, dwell on it." Wonwoo cried, pointing up to his bruised nose, he just hoped that it wouldn't be there for long, his poor face.

"Aw, baby." Mingyu cooed, running a finger down Wonwoo's nose. Booping it gently.

Wonwoo scrunched his nose before groaning in pain, laying his head on Mingyu's shoulder.

"You know you could be less annoying." Wonwoo muttered, hearing Mingyu hum in response.

"You know, if you kept your mouth shut." He concluded, making Mingyu groan and complain.

"I'm not that annoying, I'm very fun and amazing." Mingyu replied, his voice becoming mocking.

"Yes, you're very fun and amazing when you're not punching someone." Wonwoo teased, bringing up the fact they were in there for the millionth time.

"Are you going to let it go?" Mingyu questioned, taking Wonwoo's face in his hands.

"Never." Wonwoo chuckled, shaking his head at his boyfriend who began to pout and kissed his lips.

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