Part 30

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'It's okay don't be afraid'

"Wonwoo, tell me what happened." Mingyu begged, he turned Wonwoo's face to the side and inspected it, running a finger down his boyfriend's face.

"It was Jun. Someone has been spreading rumours about him and they accused me of spreading it. I don't even talk to anyone at school, how could I have spread it?" Wonwoo cried, voice laced with desperation, wrapping his arms around Mingyu's neck, pulling him into a hug.

Mingyu ran his hand down Wonwoo's back and rocked them slowly.

"Everyone looked at me like I committed arson or something. They think it was me." Wonwoo sniffled. Mingyu sighed and brought him closer, the anger bubbling up inside of him getting hotter.

"Mingyu, you know you can't change the way things have been." Wonwoo mumbled, he could feel how irritated Mingyu was just by hugging him.

Mingyu's arms would become tense and he would pull him as close as possible, wanting to take him away from all the bullshit which was his life.

"I can't Wonwoo. Why do you let them do this to you?" Mingyu questioned, pulling Wonwoo in front of him so he could see his face.

"Mingyu, this is just another bad thing in my life, it always happens, it's not going to make a difference if I do something because another thing will just come and bite me again." Wonwoo responded, shaking his head before Mingyu huffed, pulling away entirely.

"I would come home with a new bruise everyday before I met you. Just because I got punched in the face today doesn't mean it won't happen tomorrow." Wonwoo added, his speech became rushed and almost a total mess as his breathing became heavier.

"Wonwoo, calm down please." Mingyu whispered, pulling Wonwoo towards his bed, bringing him into his lap as he began to soothe him.

He shushed his boyfriend and patted his back, his head tucked into Wonwoo's neck as he placed small kisses along the section between the neck and shoulder.

Once Wonwoo was finally calm enough, Mingyu didn't stop rocking them both, he was patiently lulling Wonwoo to sleep.

The tight grip that Wonwoo had on Mingyu's shirt didn't falter, letting Mingyu know that he was still awake.

"I've got you, no need to worry." Mingyu reassured him, whispering delicately into his ear. Soon enough the grip on his shirt decreased, letting him know that Wonwoo was now asleep.

A knock vibrated on the door and a small head picked through the door.

"Can I come in?" Chan asked, his lunchbox in one hand and Mrs Snow Bear in the other.

Mingyu nodded, Wonwoo still rested in his lap, with his face squished into Mingyu's neck.

Chan strolled in and stood at the bed and stared at Wonwoo who was fast asleep.

"Is he alright?" He asked, slowly getting on the bed, his shoes long gone, probably across the room. He placed his lunch box in front of him and unzipped it.

"Yeah, he's fine. Just tired." Mingyu answered, almost lying.

"What did mum pack you tonight?" Mingyu asks, swapping the subject over to Chan.

"Want me to do a haul?" Chan asked, a grin spreading on his face as he began taking out the small lunch that was packed for a snack.

"Wow, that's so nice." Mingyu smiled, listening to every time Chan would introduce something new out of his packed lunch.

"Yeah, what makes it better is the lunch box." Chan added, picking up Mrs Snow Bear and putting her on his lap so he could begin eating.

"You really like it huh?" Mingyu laughed, as Chan nodded like crazy, a grin erupting on his face.

"I've never had a lunch box before, I always get a plastic bag for my lunch." Chan nodded, running his hands across the plastic bag.

"Well, let's hope it doesn't break, otherwise you'd have to get a new one." Mingyu told him, pausing as Wonwoo moved to sit differently as his lap, uncomfortable with the one he had previously been in.

"I don't want a new one." Chan grumbled, taking his lunch box and holding it close to him in a hug, a small whimper leaving his mouth as he kissed the lunch box tenderly.

"You're going to take a broken lunch box?" Mingyu asked, tilting his head ever so slightly and pressing a kiss to Wonwoo's head.

"Yeah! I don't want to waste money on buying a new one, I'll just keep using this one." Chan answered, patting his lunch box as he grinned.

It was what he was used to.

Him and Wonwoo always had to use certain things until it was deteriorating. They would always stretch out shampoo and conditioner, along with clothes.

Wonwoo had learnt to sow up the holes meaning that they didn't need to get new clothes every time one appeared.

"You wouldn't be wasting money Chan, if you need it just ask and my mum will get you it. She probably loves you more than me now anyways, so she'll say yes." Mingyu responded, patting Chan's back.

"Your mum is really nice." Chan noted, nodding as if he was talking to himself.

"Wonwoo always wanted to get away from our mother, he would always promise me that we'd get out of there. And we have." Chan said, his eyes glistening with admiration.

"Yeah, and you're going to stay here till you're old and wrinkly. Exactly how you look now." Mingyu joked hearing Chan whine at the joking insult.

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