Part 7

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'In moments like those, when tears fill your eyes'

That day, Wonwoo walked into school Mingyu not by his side. He got to his locker and opened it, wondering where Mingyu was.

Pursing his lips he got out his books and finally decided to wait for Mingyu to get to school.

Tapping the book in his arm he watched a familiar face walk by.

"Jun!" He called out, walking up beside his friend.

"Where have you been, you haven't been here all week?" Wonwoo continued, trying to get the attention of Jun, but the others continued to ignore him, and greeted a few other people, avoiding Wonwoo like the plague.

Sulking, he walked back to his locker, and finally noticed Mingyu.

"Hi, I'm late. I know, I slept in too late." Mingyu announced, patting Wonwoo's head. Nodding Wonwoo began watching Jun as he laughed with his new friends, acting as if Wonwoo hadn't ever existed.

"What's the matter?" Mingyu asked, looking in the direction that Wonwoo was looking at, but couldn't quite figure it out.

"Jun is ignoring me." Wonwoo easily confessed, gazing at Mingyu who began glaring at Jun.

"Weird, who cares? You have me, I'm your friend." Mingyu replied, feeling possessive of Wonwoo.

"I should try and talk to him." Wonwoo said, but was pulled back by Mingyu.

"Don't, he doesn't deserve your attention." Mingyu told him, his hand on his arm, gently pulling him back.

Nodding Wonwoo felt hurt, Jun had been his only friend since primary school, it hurt to see him drop him like nothing.

Mingyu and Wonwoo walked out of school together, they usually both walked home together, since they were going the same way.

"Do you want to hang out or something tonight? If you're not busy." Mingyu asked, pausing for a moment and stopped their walk entirely.

"Yeah, sure. I just need to do something before we go anywhere. Are you coming?" Wonwoo questioned, beginning to walk the way to the shop.

Mingyu followed along glancing around at the new area he was walking through.

He walked around the shop and looked for anything that he and his brother could eat, something that he didn't have to cook.

Mingyu followed aimlessly, not really knowing why they were even in the shop. After finding something, Wonwoo went to pay for the food, he held out his card but was quickly overtaken by Mingyu who pulled out some cash, paying for Wonwoo's food.

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